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Publication Committee


Publication Committee

The InterPore Publication Committee (IPC) delegated by the Interpore Executive Committee aims to manage and advance InterPore’s activities related to the scientific publication. IPC develops and recommends strategic direction of publications to support the professional development and needs of InterPore members. It supports and advises the Executive Committee with respect to new publications or journals that InterPore should be engaged and promoting for the benefits of its members and advance porous media science and technology. The committee helps the members to coordinate special issues on a variety of topics discussed in InterPore annual meetings. Moreover, the committee partners with Editors, other committees and sections to promote the InterPore’s publishing strategy and to ensure the highest level of quality assurance for the InterPore’s publications.

Joining our committee is a great way to get involved with InterPore, strengthen your resume, and build contacts in your network. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Nima Shokri at

The Committee


Hamburg University of Technology

Committee members

University of Oslo, Norway

Committee members

Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Committee members

Coventry University, UK

Committee members

The University of Texas at Austin, USA