Grants Available
Grants Available
InterPore Academy – Student grants for selected online short courses available
We are pleased to announce that InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) will provide grants for participation of graduate and PhD students in selected InterPore Academy online short courses. Eligible are applicants from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank.
Application package should include:
- copy of a short CV
- statement of justification (no more than 1 A4 page), explaining how the particular short course will benefit the applicant’s academic development and career
- As the applications should refer to a specific short course, we ask you to indicate for which course you would like to apply
Students need also to provide a short letter of support from supervisor, lecturer or head of department (could be just email, but specifying the academic position of the sender and the relation to the applicant).
Please send the full application package to no later than one month before the start of the respective short course.
The grants will be awarded based on applicants’ academic attainment and quality of their research abstracts.
A word of gratitude: These conference grants have been made possible by a generous donation from InterPore members.
Please notice, that the grants are available only for selected short courses.