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Membership Fees

Membership Fees

The membership of the Society consists of individuals and/or legal entities interested in the objectives of the organization, from any country or profession. Upon filling in the application form and becoming a member, one implicitly agrees to accept the Bylaws of the Society.

The annual membership dues are determined by the Council. Current classes of membership and the corresponding annual membership fees are given below.

Individual Memberships:

We invite you to join this young and vibrant Society and widen your horizons when it comes to porous media research. Join hands with hundreds of other researchers in promoting porous media science and technology. Increase your professional opportunities and/or the applicability of your research by learning about a very wide range of various porous media applications.

Individual Lifetime Memberships:

Institutional Memberships:

The contact person should login to their InterPore Member account and choose an Institutional Membership.

After payment, we will contact you to coordinate activating your members. You may also send the names and email addresses of your members directly to InterPore will then generate individual member accounts.


* SME refers to Small and Medium Enterprises. An enterprise is medium size if both criteria given below are fulfilled:
1. Number of employees is less than or equal to 250,
2. The turnover is less than 50 MEuro or Balance Sheet total is less than 43 MEuro.
More details on SME can be found here.

Group Membership for National Chapters from LMI Countries

InterPore actively supports the establishment of national chapters to foster national and regional communities of porous media researchers. For national chapters in Low- and Middle-Income (LMI) countries (as defined by the World Bank), we offer an exclusive opportunity for group  membership at a significantly reduced fee, in addition to the standard benefits of an InterPore chapter.

Unlike regular institutional membership, which applies to researchers from a single university, this group membership allows researchers from multiple academic or research institutions within a national or regional chapter to join InterPore collectively. However, members must be affiliated with academia or research institutes—not industry.

There are two group membership options:

Small Group: 15 members

Large Group: 35 members

The membership fees are as follows: