Upcoming Webinars
Stroke across scales – impact on blood perfusion and oxygen supply in the brain – a computational perspective
Date & Time: April 1st at 16:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Past Webinars
Arctic Pores
Arctic Pores Webinar
Date and Time: January 28 at 16:00 CET
X-ray imaging of flow and transport in rocks: from particle velocimetry to hydrogen-brine dynamics
Tom Bultreys is an associate professor at Ghent University, Belgium.
Biotechnology, biomineralization and biofilms in porous media
Within approximately 4 years, a team at Montana State University, in collaboration with Schlumberger, Loudon Technica
Challenging reactive transport modeling from pore scale observations
Flow and transport are important in hydrology and many geo-engineering applications such as carbon dioxide storage, g
Hydrological extremes: changing hazards as a result of climate change
Hydrological extremes have devastating consequences on society.
Leveraging Pore-Scale Physics for Enhanced Understanding of Darcy-Scale Multiphase flow and Transport through Porous Materials
The study of multiphase flow and transport in porous media stands as a critical domain in understanding various natur
Modeling of flow and deformation in fractured formations
Fractures are mechanical breaks implying material discontinuity across surfaces or narrow zones in a formation.
Underground H2 storage – enabling an H2 economy at scale
Hydrogen is considered a key enabler of a net-zero emission energy system.
Flow and transport coefficients in porous media: from direct simulation to automated prediction.
Maša Prodanović is a Frank W.
Underground Space
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) has a long-standing tradition
Facemasks & Respirators – Technology, Manufacturing & Performance
Speaker: Dr. Behnam Pourdeyhimi, The Nonwoven Institute, North Carolina State University
From the Brain to the Fuel Cell – Porous Media Are Everywhere
Speaker: Dr. Rainer Helmig, University of Stuttgart