Challenging reactive transport modeling from pore scale observations
Flow and transport are important in hydrology and many geo-engineering applications such as carbon dioxide storage, geothermal energy or in situ recovery. Developing a full understanding of the feedbacks between geochemical reactions and flow and transport at the reservoir scale requires investigations of geochemical mechanisms at the microscopic scale
New information is now accessible, which provides a better understanding of the coupled thermo-hydro-mechano chemical processes the pore scale [2,3] and allows numerical models to be better constrained. In my presentation, I will present some applications of 4D imaging related to reactive transport experiments and discuss the results and issues for reactive transport modelling. In particular, I would point out several processes that challenge the continuum description of porous media and assumptions required for reactive transport modelling at large scales [3].
Flow and transport are important in hydrology and many geo-engineering applications such as carbon dioxide storage, geothermal energy or in situ recovery. Developing a full understanding of the feedbacks between geochemical reactions and flow and transport at the reservoir scale requires investigations of geochemical mechanisms at the microscopic scale. Application of high-resolution and/or non-invasive imaging techniques like X-ray micro-tomography has considerably increased experimental capability by giving access to a spatio-temporal vision of the physical-chemical processes within the rocks [1]. New information is now accessible, which provides a better understanding of the coupled thermo-hydro-mechano chemical processes the pore scale [2,3] and allows numerical models to be better constrained. In my presentation, I will present some applications of 4D imaging related to reactive transport experiments and discuss the results and issues for reactive transport modelling. In particular, I would point out several processes that challenge the continuum description of porous media and assumptions required for reactive transport modelling at large scales [3].
[1] Noiriel C. and Renard F. (2022) 4D X-Ray Micro-Tomography Imaging of Dynamic Processes in Geosciences. Comptes-rendus Geoscience, vol. 354, 255-280, doi 10.5802/crgeos.137
[2] Noiriel C. and Daval D. (2017) Pore-Scale Geochemical Reactivity Associated with CO2 Storage: New Frontiers at the Fluid-Solid Interface. Accounts of Chemical Research, special Issue on Chemistry of Geologic Carbon Storage, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00019
[3] Noiriel C. (2015) Resolving time-dependent evolution of pore scale structure, permeability and reactivity using X-ray microtomography. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, vol 80: Pore scale geochemical processes, p 247-286, C.I. Steefel S. Emmanuel and L. Anovitz Eds, DOI : 10.2138/rmg.2015.80.08
[4] Noiriel C. and Soulaine C. (2021) Pore-scale imaging and modelling of reactive flow in evolving porous media: tracking the dynamics of the fluid-rock interface. Transport in Porous Media, Special issue 35th Anniversary special issue in honour of Jacob Bear, vol. 140 (1), 201-213, doi 10.1007/s11242-021-01613-2dia
Catherine Noiriel is associate professor at University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France. Her research focuses on water-rock interactions, mineral reactivity, flow and reactive transport, from the experimental and numerical points of view to better understand the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes (THMC) in reservoir rocks.