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Executive Committee

Leadership Dedicated to Advancing InterPore's Mission

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) serves as the executive branch of the Society, making all decisions related to its operations. The responsibilities of the EC include:

  • Forming and dissolving various InterPore committees and task forces, as well as selecting their members and chairs.
  • Overseeing the activities of these committees and task forces.
  • Selecting sites for annual meetings and making decisions regarding all organizational and financial aspects, such as invited/plenary speakers, registration fees, and deadlines.
  • Approving contracts for employees of the InterPore Office.
  • Managing the receipt and dispersal of Society funds.
  • Initiating and approving new activities.
  • Establishing and deciding on general policies, including statements, Newsletter policies, and website policies.

Majid Hassanizadeh
Managing Director
Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Michel Quintard
Past President
CNRS, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France

Karsten Thompson
Louisiana State University, USA

Vahid Niasar
University of Manchester

Azita Ahmadi-Senichault
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers