Young Academy

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Young Academy

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Motivated by the new challenges brought upon the scientific community by the pandemic, a group of young porous media researchers from several different universities teamed up and established the Porous Media Tea Time Talks initiative (PMTTT) in June 2020. The PMTTT platform is dedicated to the live streaming of talks on YouTube given exclusively by porous media students and early career scientists. InterPore has supported this initiative since its foundation and after a very successful first year, with almost 40 talks, the PMTTT is now formally joining InterPore as the seed activity for the Young Academy.


We are continuously building a list of potential candidates for future PMTTT sessions. Would you like to be a speaker or nominate someone? Please contact us at

The Young Academy Team


UpdatedPorousMediaTTT team - Young Academy

The InterPore Young Academy is co-chaired by:
Marcel Moura, PoreLab, University of Oslo, Norway
Catherine Spurin, Stanford University, USA
Mohammad Nooraiepour, University of Oslo, Norway

Watch a short video introducing the Young Academy here.

Upcoming Porous Media Tea Time Talks

Dear InterPore community,

the Porous Media Tea Time Talks welcomes you to our 58th session on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 17:00 CEST (11:00 ET) :

““Enhancing solute transport in porous media with electrokinetics” by Riccardo Sprocati, Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark, and “Geological hydrogen production in basalt in response to hydrothermal reactions” by Negar Nazri, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, USA.

Join us via live YouTube stream:


Session58 PorousMediaTTT - Young Academy

Past Porous Media Tea Time Talks

Past PMTTT sessions are available on our YouTube Channel or via the QR-Code

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