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InterPore Rosette

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Nomination Deadline:

InterPore Rosette

Recognition of Active Members

InterPore thrives on the dedication and efforts of its volunteers. Their countless hours of voluntary work are essential to the success of our international platform. Recognizing and honoring these contributions not only sets a standard for service but also fosters long-term engagement and inspires others to get involved.

Each year, InterPore honors individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the society’s activities by awarding them the InterPore Rosette. Recipients are selected by the InterPore Executive Committee, and the award is presented annually at the InterPore Meeting.

Award Winners to Date:

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2024

China University of Petroleum (East China), China For all of his efforts in organizing special issues since 2020 in addition to valuable work as part of the Local Organizing Committee for InterPore2024

China University of Petroleum (East China), China For skillfully managing the InterPore WeChat account and preparing frequent updates via the “And now… Qingdao” stories in the InterPore newsletter and for his contributions as part of the Local Organizing Committee for InterPore2024

China University of Petroleum (East China), China For important contributions in the area of Student Affairs and Events and as part of the Local Organizing Committee for InterPore2024

University of Oslo, Norway For excellent services provided as chair of the Student Affairs Committee, facilitating the Porous Media Tea Time Talks and overall direction of the Young Academy, and for his contributions to the Minisymposia and Conference Course Programs at InterPore2024

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark For important contributions to Minisymposia (03) since 2019

Imperial College London, UK In recognition for his long-time contributions to the Honors and Awards Committee both as chair and co-chair, and Editor of InterPore Journal

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia In recognition for his participation in InterPore since day one and almost perfect meeting attendance, strong support for Institutional Membership since 2009 even into retirement, and for his excellent work chairing the Election Committee since 2020

niversity of Tehran, Iran For co-organizing MS08 for 4 years, being an important part of the Editorial Board of InterPore Journal, and for all of her work as an active member of the Steering Committee of the Iran InterPore chapter

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2023

For his long-time support of InterPore through valuable short courses (most recently, Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective given at InterPore2022), organising many minisymposia, and his participation in the Energy Transition Forum

For highly valuable work as Co-Chair of the Local Organising Committee of InterPore2023; for huge efforts in the excellent organisation of the conference at Heriot-Watt University

For important contributions as a member of the Financial Committee, Honors and Awards Committee, and many others, and as one of the Founding Members of InterPore

For excellent services provided as a member of the Local Organising Committee of InterPore2022, member of the Board of Directors and Fundraising Officer for InterPore Foundation, and great supporter of InterPore within Khalifa University

For important contributions as the Chair of the InterPore Social Media Task Force, dedicated to distributing important information via the InterPore social media channels including Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, LinkedIn Content Manager for the past 2 years, and member of the Communications Committee

In recognition for his long-time service to InterPore, particularly proposing and pursuing the idea of compiling an Album of Porous Media for the past five years and leading the efforts to successful completion and publication by Springer

In recognition for his service to InterPore, and excellent work as Co-editor of the Album of Porous Media, meticulously translating all entries into Spanish

For excellent work as one of the founding members of The Young Academy Team and Co-organiser of Porous Media Tea Time Talks, as well as co-chairing the Local Organising Committee of InterPore2023 and minisymposia at InterPore meetings

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2022

For excellent services provided as Chair of InterPore Program Committee; campaigning for institutional membership of ETH Zürich

For highly valuable services provided as Chair of Student Awards and Grants Sub-Committee; for huge efforts with the selection of the MDPI Student Poster Awards for InterPore2022

For excellent services provided as President of the Saudi Arabia InterPore Chapter; campaigning for institutional membership of KAUST

For highly valuable services as Co-Chair of InterPore Program Committee

For highly valuable services as InterPore Council Chair, campaigning for institutional membership of University of Manchester

For highly valuable services as Co-Chair of InterPore Industry Committee; campaigning for institutional membership of Equinor

For excellent services provided as Chair of the Mexico InterPore Chapter

For highly valuable services as member of the Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2022; for huge efforts in the excellent organization of the conference

For highly valuable services as member of the Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2022; for huge efforts in the excellent organization of the conference

For highly valuable services as member of the Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2022; for huge efforts in the excellent organization of the conference

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2021

For his many services including leading the Publications Committee and Setting up Wikipore

For his many services including membership of Program Committee, active participation
in all past InterPore annual meetings, and now chairing Benelux Chapter

For leading Social Media Task Force for four years & co-organizing many minisymposia

For services as member of Council for four years & current Ombudsperson of InterPore

Tremendous efforts in the organization of InterPore2020, successful renegotiation of InterPore2022 contract,
key role in China InterPore Chapter, current member, Board of Directors of InterPore Foundation

For his dedicated services as former president and member of Exec. Comm. for six years

Chair of Brazilian chapter, leading a very significant increase of its members over the past period, organizing its
annual meetings with a strong international participation (with funding from the industry), organizing a special
session in the 32nd Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics, establishing contacts & cooperation with researchers
from other countries and chapters

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2020

For services as former Chair of Benelux National Chapter

For continued services as InterPore Newsletter Editor-in-Chief

For continued services to the Communication Committee

For services as Co-Chair of InterPore2020 Online

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2019

For his services as member and Chair of InterPore Council 2015-2019

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2019

For services to InterPore in the roles of: President Elect in 2013-15; President 2015-17; and Past President 2017-19

For valuable services as a member of the Election Committee and the Program Committee for an extended period

For highly valuable services as a Director of InterPore Foundation, help with establishing Kimberly-Clark distinguished lectureship award, and promoting and supporting InterPore in a variety of ways

For services as Chair of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2019; Huge efforts in excellent organization of the conference

For highly valuable services as a Director of InterPore Foundation, and promoting and supporting InterPore in a variety of ways

For valuable services as a member of Communication Committee

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2019

For highly valuable services as a member of InterPore Council, and promoting and supporting InterPore in a variety of ways

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2018

For providing sustained and extensive services, ideas, and initiatives as chair of the Communications Committee

For highly valuable services as the chair of Student Affairs Committee

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2018

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2018

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2018

For services as Chair of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2018 and member of Program Committee; Huge efforts in excellent organization of the conference

For providing sustained and extensive services, as chair of the Honors and Awards Committee

For help in instituting the PoreLab award and promoting and supporting InterPore in a variety of ways

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2017

For his role in chartering the Brazilian Chapter and for organizing many other InterPore activities

For service to InterPore in the roles of: President Elect in 2011-13; President 2013-15; and Past President 2015-17

For professional services as Editor-in-chief of InterPore Newsletter and many other activities to promote InterPore

For valuable services as a member of the Program Committee of InterPore2017

For extremely valuable services as the chair of Local Organizing Committee InterPore2017 and the chair of Program Committee 2107-2018

For valuable services as a member of the Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2017

For extremely valuable services within the Local Organizing Committee and Program Committee of InterPore2017

For valuable services as a member of the Program Committee of InterPore2017

For setting of WikiPore platform; for campaigning to make Heriot-Watt University an institutional member of InterPore; and for organizing the Evaluation Committee in selecting P&G poster award winners in 2016 and 2017

For valuable services as a founding member of the Student Affairs Committee of InterPore, 2017-2018

For valuable services as a founding member of the Student Affairs Committee of InterPore, 2017-2018

For valuable services as a founding member of the Student Affairs Committee of InterPore, 2017-2018

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as Chair of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as member of LOC 2016

For excellent and dedicated work as founding member and first elected president, chair of program committee of a few InterPore conferences and currently chair of Events Committee

For excellent and dedicated work as Organizing Committee of annual meeting of Benelux Chapter of InterPore in 2015

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2015

For excellent and dedicated work as Newsletter editor

For the huge amount of excellent work as Chair of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2015

For the patience and the professionalism in dealing with participants affairs and general communications for InterPore2015

For organizing and design of program booklet of InterPore2015, InterPore slide show

For organizing the computers and the USB keys for InterPore2015

For services as a Council member, campaigning for institutional membership of Heriot Watt

For services as a Council member, campaigning for institutional membership of Statoil

For services as a Council member and recepient of Honorary Membership Award

For exceptional dedication to InterPore and invaluable support related to InterPor2012 website, Conference Program, and much more

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2014

For major contribution to the organization of InterPore2013, Prague

For services as a founding member of InterPore and Chair of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2014; Huge efforts in excellent organization of the conference

For services as a member of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2014; Huge efforts in excellent organization of local arrangements

For services as a member of the InterPore Council and member of LOC of InterPore2012; Huge effort in setting up the scientific program of InterPore2012, Purdue; co-organizing minisymposia at InterPore2014

For services as a member of LOC of InterPore2012, Huge effort in setting up the scientific program of InterPore2012, Purdue; co-organizing minisymposia at InterPore2014

For services in the formation and chairmainship of the Focus Group on Pore Scale Modeling and Visualization; for organization of two satellite events; active participation in InterPore meetings; Invited speaker at InterPore2013, Prague; and as a member of 2012 Election Committee

For promoting InterPore within Shell, which has been institutional member of InterPore since 2011 and has sponsored InterPore2013 and InterPore2014; for services in chartering and chairing the Dutch Chapter of InterPore

For services in chartering and chairing the Mexican Chapter of InterPore

For active participation in InterPore meetings; and services as a member of the Honors and Awards Committee

For very active services within Dutch Chapter of InterPore and organizing its meetings, actively promoting InterPore and campaigning for institutional membership of Eindhoven University of Technology

InterPore Rosette Recipients 2013

For leading the efforts to turn InterPore Newsletter into a professional source of information and publicity for InterPore; for services as a member and Chair of the Publicity Committee

For his many contributions from the start of InterPore (Founding member, Elected member of Council 2009-2011; co-organizer of InterPore2011; a lot of valuable effort as Meeting Coordinator)

For services as co-founder of InterPore, immense effort as first President and member of the Executive Committee, 2009-2013

For huge effort invested in supporting the organization of InterPore2013 in Prague

For services in the organization of the second InterPore meeting; the active promotion of the InterPore idea in presentations and conversations; and arrangement of institutional membership of KAUST

For services as a founding member, member of the Executive Committee and the Council 2009-2010; for arranging the institutional membership of Proctor & Gamble and instituting two InterPore- Proctor & Gamble awards

For services as a founding member, member of the Council since 2009, member of the Honors and Awards Committee since 2009, chair of the Publicity Committee since 2011; for arranging the institutional membership of Proctor & Gambleand instituting two InterPore- Proctor & Gamble awards

For huge amount of excellent work as Chair of Local Organizing Committee of InterPore2013