InterPore National Chapter Award
The InterPore National Chapter Award, created in 2020, is given in recognition of the many activities organized by a chapter in recent years (in particular during the past one) and of its contribution to make the InterPore society flourish.
The winning chapter is selected by the National Chapter Committee (NCC) during the first trimester of each year, on the basis of activities reported in the annual reports of chapters.
The Chapter award is recognized by the National Chapter Committee during the first trimester of each year, and no later than the end of March, on the basis of the Chapters reports.
The evaluation for the award attribution is based on the following points:
- Organization of recommended and suggested activities indicated in the “Guidelines for creation and management of InterPore National Chapters”.
- Additional national activities not listed in the guidelines.
- Participation of Chapter members in various activities of InterPore Society.
The level of significance and importance of national chapters is determined based on their perceived contributions to the general mission of InterPore.
The NCC also evaluates the hard work and dedication of InterPore National Chapters in terms of management, communication with members, recruiting and advancing membership, promotion of events at the national and international levels.
The award may be attributed to up to two chapters in case of comparable evaluations.
The Award consists of:
- One free registration at the InterPore conference and annual meeting the following year.
- A certificate.