Azita Ahmadi-Senichault
InterPore Council Members
Executive Committee Member
Azita Ahmadi-Senichault is a Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Bordeaux, France and the Deputy Head of the TREFLE (Transfer, Fluids and Energy) Department of the Institute of Engineering and Mechanics of Bordeaux. She has been involved in the establishment and development of InterPore as a co-founder in 2008. She has been the treasurer of InterPore since 2011 and the treasurer of the InterPore foundation from 2017 to 2024.
Her research interests are quite broad and may be summarized as theoretical and computational studies of mass, momentum and energy transfer in porous media at different scales (pore-scale, local-scale, larger scales) with special focus on upscaling. She has worked on different projects such as coupled transfer (advection/diffusion/reaction/heat transfer) namely applied to active and passive dispersion for contaminant transport or pyrolysis of biomass for biofuel production, equilibrium/non-equilibrium models, single and two-phase Darcy & non-Darcy (inertial) flows in porous media, complex fluid flow (yield stress fluid, polymer solutions or foam injection for decontamination of aquifers), colloid transport in porous media, …
In 2022, Professor Azita Ahmadi-Senichault has been awarded the InterPore Meritorious Service Medal which recognizes individuals for exceptional, prolonged, impactful, and meaningful services to the Society.