Newsletter Editorial Team
The Newsletter Editorial Team publishes the digital bi-weekly community newsletter. The committee collects news items from the porous media research community, calls for abstracts and papers, and research opportunities from around the world. We process the items into a concise digestible format and globally distribute the newsletter amongst the community. We work together with the website team when it comes to longer items (e.g. an interview with a distinguished researcher), which are published on the website and referred to from the newsletter. Finally, an occasional “flash news” is published to attract special attention to important community news, for instance a passing deadline for the communities annual global scientific gathering.
If you would like to make a contribution to the outreach of our InterPore organization, you’re welcome to join the newsletter team. It is a great way to get acquainted with researchers worldwide, to get to know InterPore and improve your own visibility as researcher as well. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Matthijs de Winter at