The recently founded Student Affairs Committee SAC aims to attract, involve and include more PhD students and postdocs in the InterPore organization. We want to improve the dialogue between the existing community, students and young professionals by organizing educational, career and social oriented activities.

We are also aiming to create multiple student sections to support young researches new to the field of porous media develop skills and obtain knowledge related to porous media research, create a platform where students, academia and industry meet and to intensify collaboration among students of the InterPore Society. To start a new student section click here.


  • Education: We want to support students new in the field of porous media by organizing short courses and workshops specifically meant to introduce into basics of porous media as well as for typical experimental and analytical methods.
  • Social: Events to get to know each other and to have fun together which offers room to discuss your own work and exchange ideas. Therefore we would like to organize such events at the existing InterPore meetings and conferences.
  • Career: Since InterPore is an organization including both academics and industry we would like to blur the boundaries between those. We would like to offer company visits or career events where students and industry representatives can get in touch with each other.
  • How YOU can contribute: We are always looking for ideas, support and volunteers! Please contact us via if you have wishes, which are not addressed so far, if you want to form a student chapter at your place or contribute to an event.




The Committee consists of up to six young researches and is elected by all members of InterPore. A committee member has to be a PhD student or postdoc at the moment of his/hers candidacy and holds the position for two years. The election takes place every year, whereby half of the committee is replaced so a smooth hand over/transition is guaranteed. The committee members vote a committee president after each election.

In the first year the committee consists of the three founding members: Leon Leu, Willem Bart-Bartels and Maja Ruecker. They have the joined responsibility to build a framework in which local student chapters can be set-up. In addition they will organize activities for the targeted group. After the first year three additional members are added by election.

Committee Members




Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
Mohammad Nooraiepour - SAC
Committee Members

TotalEnergies (formerly, Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
NaraSantos bio 002 - SAC
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
RecalcatiChiara ed - SAC
Postdoctoral researcher, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
RaminMoghaddasi - SAC
Postgraduate, Department of School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico
Carlos Felipe Silva Escalante - SAC
Mohammad Masoudi
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Norway
MohammadMasoudi - SAC