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At this moment there are no courses available. Please come back soon
Since the news of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak surfaced, we have been monitoring the…
Being active in the InterPore community opens up doors across the world.
The Panhellenic Symposium on Porous Materials (PSPM2020), which hosts the Hellenic InterPore…
The InterPore Newsletter from two weeks ago sparked something exciting.
A number of InterPore members have responded to the article by Noushine Shahidzadeh about face…
The COVID-19 pandemic is viewed from many scientific viewpoints.
Wherever you are in the world, it is likely that you are reading the newsletter from home.
Strange times, these days!
Dear InterPore friends,
Due to rising concerns of the development of the Coronavirus outbreak, the annual InterPore…
Our sincere congratulations go out to the…
Dear Colleagues, We are aware of the spread of the coronavirus and the associated implications…
With profound sorrow, we wish to inform the InterPore community that Amir Ashrafi Habibabadi and…