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InterPore News 2020 (15) featuring the InterPore2020 block program

Sent on: 09-03-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

Only a few weeks left before InterPore2020 starts! Exciting for everyone and perhaps a little bit nerve-wracking for those running the show from behind the curtains! Meanwhile, the block program has become available, and you (if you are a presenter) will soon be notified of the time and date of your Q&A session.

Moreover, we asked invited speakers to create graphical abstracts representing their talks. Please have a look! It is fascinating to see the scope of “Porous Media Research”.

All the best,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News


InterPore2020: Block program published

The InterPore2020 block program has been created. A short version is displayed below and an extended version can be found here.

The program committee is currently working together with the chairs of the mini-symposia to distribute your talks over the Q&A sessions. We expect to add more items to the program, in particular related to social events.

Please be aware that registration is open. Registration deadline for presenters is 5 August.

We look forward to welcoming you online!

Please contact us for comments and questions here.

InterPore2020: Invited Speakers

InterPore2020 features a number of experts from different disciplines to share the latest insights into their field. The speakers have each provided a graphical abstract to get into their topics. The topics are as fascinating as diverse. Click on the links below to check them out.

Bernd Flemisch, Facilitating the Reproduction of Simulation Results

Fred Vermolen, Modelling the behaviour of skin tracer after deep tissue injury using poro- and morpho-elastic models

Martin Vohralik, A posteriori error estimates and adaptive solvers for porous media flows

James McClure, Topology and its effects on fluid flow

Qinjun Kang, Pore-Scale Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow and Transport in Porous Media

InterPore2020: Scientific writing seminar with Prof. José Jaime Gómez Hernández

InterPore2020 program: Tuesday, 18.00 – 19.00 (CEST) and Wednesday, 10:30 – 11.30 (CEST)

Prof. José Jaime Gómez Hernández (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) will offer a scientific writing seminar during InterPore2020. Through several real cases, the attendants will learn the common mistakes made when submitting a manuscript for consideration to a specialized journal. Jaime has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrogeology, and Mathematical Geology for many years. Currently, he is still a member of the boards of Advances in Water Resources, Mathematical Geosciences, Frontiers in AI in Food, Agriculture and Water, and Springer Nature’s Applied Science. He has rejected many manuscripts in the last 20 years and can tell you what to do to avoid rejection. He will also discuss how to deal with non-scientific reviews and what to do when you know that the review is incorrect. Everything will be presented using examples based on actual submissions in a very casual and lively way. Many previous attendants to this seminar have been able to overcome the hurdle of the dreaded rejection letter.


InterPore2020 Career Event

One of the most common struggles for a PhD student is to decide which career path to follow after graduate school. There are numerous opportunities that are potentially open to us as PhDs, which can take us on very different career paths. There are likely many questions you have about picking a direction (industry/academia/government) and the pros and cons of each possibility. A good approach to making an informed decision is listening to experiences and personal views of established professionals. The SAC’s career event will have speakers from varied backgrounds, sharing their professional journeys and the important choices they had to make along the way. You will also have the chance to ask the speakers any questions you have.

Check it out: InterPore2020 program: Tuesday, 16.30 – 17.00 (CEST)

Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award

The Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award 2020 will be given to Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sahimi (University of Southern California, Los Angeles) during InterPore2020. You can invite him for a talk at your institute in 2021. (Depending on the situation related to COVID-19, an online talk is obviously an option for consideration).

Interested in the work by Prof. Sahimi? Please find the abstract for the talk here. Applying for a talk can be done through the InterPore website.


We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 28 July 2020 at 3 pm CEST/local time on our YouTube Channel

The goal of the Porous Media TTT is to act as a complimentary platform to the already very successful Geoscience and Geoenergy webinars with the focus placed on young professionals.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you online!

Kamalijt Singh (HW), Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Tom Bultreys (UGhent), Mohammad Nooraiepour (UiO), Maja Ruecker (ICL)

Call for abstracts: AGU 2020

7 – 11 December 2020, San Francisco, USA

Session: Clay Interactions with Barriers at Multiple Scales

Natural and engineered clay-rich barriers exist in subsurface systems where complex geochemical interactions among in-situ fluids, rock, engineered fluids, and the barrier system leads to an intricate coupling of physical processes (thermal, hydraulic, chemical, mechanical) that can affect long-term storage and reservoir production. The complexities of such interactions present challenges that span a range of temporal and spatial scales.

This session aims to highlight numerical, analytical, experimental, and field studies that examine the role of clay interactions with natural and engineered fluids and solid. Contributions are invited from fundamental studies and from applications that include carbon sequestration, waste storage and disposal, geothermal systems, and energy storage/production. Relevant topics include but are not limited to (i) the influence of THMC processes on clays and the physical properties, stability, and integrity of barriers, (ii) damage related to chemo-mechanical interactions and (iii) molecular dynamic modeling exploring clay reactivity and mechanics.

For our session, a twitter handle, @clay_barriers, has been created for selected speakers to advertise their research, abstracts, presentation times etc. as well as a listserv mailing list:

Please submit your abstract here.



31 August – 4 September 2020

The 12th annual InterPore meeting (online)

September 2020

The Hellenic National InterPore Chapter meeting (Athens, Greece)

1-2 October 2020

The German Chapter meeting (Stuttgart, Germany)

26-28 October 2020

The French Chapter meeting (Strasbourg, France) (flyer)

2 November 2020

The Benelux Chapter meeting (Enschede, The Netherlands)

23-25 November 2020

The Australian Chapter meeting (Perth, Australia)

31 May – 3 June 2021

The 13th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, UK)

15-21 May 2022

The 14th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)