InterPore Newsletter 2020 (23) featuring InterPore Election Time!
Sent on: 09-03-2025Dear InterPore friends,
It’s InterPore Election time! Voting is made very easy, but choosing candidates is hard. Of course,
it is a
luxury problem, having to choose between all these wonderful people who are willing to invest time
in our
InterPore community. Happy voting everybody!
Big news came in this week: InterPore2021 will again be fully online due to the ongoing COVID-19
Building on the experience from InterPore2020, I am confident that it will be an exciting
conference. We
should be keen on exploiting all the creative and innovative opportunities of online conferencing.
opportunity is demonstrated by PoreLab: An online exhibition. Meanwhile, I believe we need more
emphasis on
social networking opportunities.
What else do we have on offer? We’ve got a winner! And winners! We’ve got lectures to listen to, and
president Laura Pyrak-Nolte published a paper on how to listen to porous media flow in 3D…
Enjoy reading!
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
Your VOTE will determine who
will be
running InterPore. Vote Today!
To cast your vote, you must login
your unique credentials that were in an email from directvote.com sent to you on 01 November 2020.
If you can
no longer access the original email with your login information, please send an email request to Meghan McCarroll in order to send this
information to you
The 2020 InterPore election is open through 30 November 2020, 11:59:00 PM CET.
InterPore Members are eligible to cast one vote for President-Elect, five votes for candidates for
members, and three votes for Student Affairs Committee members. Information about the candidates is
on the online ballot and can also be found on our
website. There, you will find a short CV for each candidate as well as a statement/letter of
by the candidates for President-Elect.
InterPore promotes diversity, equality and balance! The nominated candidates include persons from
and academia, from different topics of porous media research, from different continents and
different genders, different ages and so forth. It is the mission of InterPore to be a world-wide
forum for
porous media research across all involved topics, and we are committed to be a diverse, balanced and
Society. The link between academia and industry is one of the important characteristics of
Therefore, please consider to vote for at least one candidate from industry. When making your
choices, please
consider these aspects to support the mission of the Society!
InterPore thanks you for your participation in the 2020 InterPore election.
InterPore Online Short Course Registration
Short courses have limited capacity. Click here to register.
SHORT COURSE #1: Multiphase
Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective
Instructors: Martin Blunt, Imperial College London, UK
Date: 7-10 December 2020
Registration fee:
Member status
InterPore members
InterPore non-members
Click here
for more information and registration.
SHORT COURSE #2: Multiscale
Modeling and Simulation: Scalable Simulation of Nonlinear Processes in Heterogeneous Fractured
Porous Media
Instructors: Hadi Hajibeygi, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Date: 11, 12, 14 and 15 December 2020
Registration fee:
Member status
InterPore members
InterPore non-members
Click here
for more information and registration.
SHORT COURSE #3: Capillarity
in Porous Media at Different Scales
Instructors: Majid Hassanizadeh, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Date: 11-14 January 2021
Registration fee:
Member status
InterPore members
InterPore non-members
Click here
for more information and registration.
National Chapter Awards
Image by AxxLC
from Pixabay
The National Chapter Committee is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s InterPore Chapter
for their activities in 2019: the Chinese and the Brazilian InterPore chapters.
The Chinese Chapter organized a conference with a significant number of participants and established
efficient communication platform in addition to the tremendous efforts put into the organization of
InterPore2020 in the difficult context we all know.
The Brazilian Chapter had a very significant increase of its members over the past period. Further,
chapter organized a meeting with an international participation and a special session in the 32nd
Colloquium of Mathematics: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects in Fluid Dynamics. We especially
acknowledge the
effort placed into the aim of establishing contacts and cooperation with other countries/Chapters.
In recognition of their remarkable activities over the past period, free registration to
InterPore2021 is
offered to both the Brazilian and Chinese Chapters.
The National Chapter Committee would also like to acknowledge the great accomplishments of the other
Chapters. It is gratifying to see all the local activities making the InterPore society flourish. We
all look
forward to the great ideas the Chapters will develop in the future together with assessing their
reports for
the next year’s competition.
InterPore YouTube Channel
The InterPore publication committee has created a new Porous Media Research playlist on the official
YouTube channel. One of the aims is to establish this channel as a large resource center for
media scientists by providing a large collection of short videos showcasing state-of-the-art porous
research. This is an excellent opportunity to promote your work and reach a wider audience by
presenting a
short video of your research project and results. If you would like to upload your research videos
to the
InterPore channel, please submit it to the InterPore
Criteria for consideration:
- The video must be affiliated with a peer-reviewed published paper
- 20 second minimum duration
Be sure to subscribe to the InterPore YouTube channel to receive notifications of any new videos
added to the
Recap 4th BeNeLux Chapter meeting
The 4th InterPore
BeNeLux day was successfully held on 2nd of November at the University of Twente (NL) and
attracted over
50 people. During this online event, speakers from companies and academia from the Benelux region
latest developments and innovations in the area porous media, with the aim to promote collaboration
these players. The event covered various subjects including fracture permeability, water penetration
in paper,
as well as today’s water-based inkjet printing challenges. At the close of the meeting, Nicolae
(Canon) gave a short speech, announcing Sorin Pop (Hasselt University) as the new chair of InterPore BeNeLux).
Winner: Student Face Mask Competition
InterPore Foundation invited proposals from graduate students on Innovative Ideas to Design and/or
Facemasks against Airborne Bacteria and Viruses. The proposals were reviewed by a panel of experts
who rated
them on the basis of 1) intellectual novelty, 2) functionality, 3) practicality, and 4) cost
And the winner is: Seyyed Ali Ghoreishy, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering,
University of
From the evaluation: “Ghoreishy’s proposal, entitled “Nature driven designs for the new
generation of
self-cleaning face masks” is novel. He has identified an actual issue that has been ignored by
many. It is
an area that has significant merit if implemented correctly. With proper mentoring, his approach
can be
developed in order to produce something potentially worthwhile.”
The proposal is published here.
Thanks for nominating!
InterPore received a record number of nominations for the InterPore awards this year. Many thanks to
who took the time to submit a nomination package, write a letter of support and/or helped us spread
the word
about the awards!
Science is art, art is science
Welcome to PoreLab virtual gallery exhibition: “The Art of Porous Media”!
Beauty can be found in the most ordinary of things. At PoreLab, the Porous Media Laboratory, we are
enough to work in a field in which one really does not need to look too hard to find aesthetically
images. Everything is beautiful if you look closely and carefully enough. Over the years we have
come across a
tremendous collection of striking visual patterns, stunning compositions of matter and motion
brought to us by
nature itself. We have curated some of our finest work, from an aesthetic point of view, and made an
exhibition, so it is our pleasure now to turn public a selection of some of our most beautiful
moments in a
virtual gallery, accessible to everyone. Click here
to access
the exhibition room directly.
We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session
at 17
November at 15:00 am CEST local
on our YouTube
The goal of the Porous Media TTT is to act as a complimentary platform to the already very successful
Geoscience and Geoenergy
webinars with
the focus placed on young professionals.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you online!
Catherine Spurin (ICL), Kamalijt Singh (HW), Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Tom Bultreys (UGhent),
Nooraiepour (UiO), Maja Ruecker (ICL)
Probing complex geophysical
geometries with
chattering dust
Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte, William Braverman, Nicholas J. Nolte, Alan J. Wright, David D. Nolte
Mapping flow paths through fractures is important to the modern energy economy and environmental
infrastructure. Flow paths in rock are difficult to detect and monitor because rocks are opaque to
probes. Here we apply chattering dust to study fractures and flow paths. The dust consists of
reactive grains that contain pockets of pressurized carbon dioxide that emit acoustic signals when
they burst.
An array of external ultrasonic sensors track the dust movement through a fracture system. The dust
travel through locally varying fracture apertures with varying speeds and provide information about
fracture geometry, flow paths and bottlenecks.
Nature Communications volume 11, Article
5282 (2020)
Corresponding Author: Laura J.
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit
highlight to newsletter@InterPore.org.
indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an Institutional
Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse
the published
work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted
should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration.
Please note
that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a
please have a look here.
23-25 November 2020
The Australian Chapter meeting (Perth, Australia)
1-2 February 2021
German Chapter
meeting (Stuttgart, Germany)
31 May – 3 June 2021
The 13th annual InterPore meeting (online)
15-21 May 2022
The 14th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico,