InterPore News 2020 (19) featuring InterPore2020 book of abstracts and contest winners
Sent on: 09-03-2025Dear InterPore friends,
InterPore2020 is finished, although… it remains available online. And the book of abstracts has been published… and we can announce the winners of the contests…
…but it is also time to look ahead. For example updates from InterPore Chapters and the flyer of InterPore2021. Something to look forward to! We are also always looking forward to innovative scientific achievements (see the In Journals section), job opportunities and fascinating lectures. We’ve got a bit of everything in today’s Newsletter.
Stay healthy,
Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News
InterPore2020 Book of Abstracts
The complete book of all submitted contributions for InterPore2020 is now available online. You can view and download the complete book from the InterPore website or by clicking here.
InterPore2020 Contest Winners
InterPore2020 featured two contests, the Leaderboard Contest and the Passport Contest. The Leaderboard Contest prize is awarded to those who’ve earned the most points by interacting and participating in the community boards. The Passport Contest prize is awarded to those who’ve received stamps at exhibitor booths by liking booths, posting comments to the booths and signing up for deals and offers. The winner was selected at random from all those that participated.
The Leaderboard Contest
1. Amin Sadeghi, University of Waterloo who will receive free registration for InterPore2021 Edinburgh, Scotland.
2. Takshak Shende, The University of Manchester who will receive 75% discount off registration fee for InterPore2021 Edinburgh, Scotland.
3. Pablo A. Garcia-Salaberri, University Carlos III of Madrid will receive 50% discount off registration fee for InterPore2021 Edinburgh, Scotland.
The Passport Contest
Yan Wang, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS who will receive free registration for InterPore2021 Edinburgh, Scotland.
OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Apply for InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer 2021
The Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer Series in 2021 features
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sahimi
University of Southern California, USA
The title of the lecture is: Porous Media, Small and Large: From Atomistic Modeling of Nano-porous Membranes to Modeling of Flow and Transport in Geological Formations.
An abstract of the talk and a short biography of Prof. Dr. Sahimi can be found on our website. Apply now to request and host the 2021 InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecture at your institute!
Given the current situation with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, Prof. Dr. Sahimi will attempt to travel to your place, but will also be able to present his talk online if needed.
German Chapter meeting postponed
Due to the current situation with Covid-19, the scientific exchange and discussions planned for the German Chapter Meeting are partially impossible because of the restrictions imposed by health protection. Therefore, it has been decided to postpone the meeting in order to have a fully fruitful exchange and the new date for the meeting is 1-2 February, 2021. We will keep you updated and we appreciate your understanding.
For more details, please visit the website.
Hellenic Chapter Kick-off meeting postponed
The original date for the kick-off meeting in Athens was in September. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, the founding members have discussed and decided to see how the local situation evolves. Everyone prefers an in-person meeting/conference. Nevertheless, as the situation may not be cleared in the near future, a web kick-off meeting is also under consideration.
As soon as an updated plan is fixed, it will be announced through all the regular InterPore communication channels.
Colombian Chapter Short Course
From 28 September to 2 October, the Colombia InterPore Chapter is organizing a short course on Groundwater Hydraulics. The course includes topics from the groundwater flow equation to the basic interpretation of hydraulic tests. This course is organized with the Colombian Association of Hydrogeologists and the Groundwater Committee of IAHR. The course will be taught in Spanish via technology assited face-to-face. See the flyer for more information.
PoreLab Resarch Center on YouTube
PoreLab Research Center organizes weekly lecture series, introducing state-of-the-art advances achieved in research fields related to porous media. The lectures will be streamed live every Wednesday. Kindly check PoreLab’s YouTube channel for details about each speaker and the exact date and time of their lecture.
We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 22 September at 15.00 pm CEST local time on our YouTube Channel.
The goal of the Porous Media TTT is to act as a complimentary platform to the already very successful Geoscience and Geoenergy webinars with the focus placed on young professionals.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you online!
Catherine Spurin (ICL), Kamalijt Singh (HW), Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Tom Bultreys (UGhent), Mohammad Nooraiepour (UiO), Maja Ruecker (ICL)
Call for Book Chapter Contributions
Our community is invited to contribute to an Elsevier book entitled Climate and Land Use Impacts on Natural and Artificial Systems: Mitigation and Adaptation. The book is designed to address the lack of communication between scientists/academics and administration, mainly in the field of climate and land use. Practice in the real world is not always related to the science.
A more elaborate invitation, including some guidelines and deadlines can be found here.
New Insights Into Complex Interactions Between Heterogeneity and Wettability Influencing Two‐Phase Flow in Porous Media
Sahar Bakhshian, Harris S. Rabbani, Seyyed A. Hosseini, Nima Shokri
We investigated coupled effects of wettability and heterogeneity on two-phase flow in porous media under a wide range of contact angle using a multiphase lattice Boltzmann model. We show that the recovery efficiency increases monotonically as the contact angle increases in the heterogeneous porous medium. However, a non-monotonic trend is observed in the homogenous porous medium with the maximum recovery occurring at intermediate wet conditions. Pore-scale mechanisms controlling macroscopic flow responses under varying wettability and heterogeneity are revealed in our work.
Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL088187
Corresponding author: Bakhshian Sahar
Direct characterization of solute transport in unsaturated porous media using fast X-ray synchrotron microtomography
Sharul Hasan, Vahid Niasar, Nikolaos K. Karadimitriou, Jose R. A. Godinho, Nghia T. Vo, Senyou An, Arash Rabbani, Holger Steeb
Solute transport in porous materials is pertinent to many engineering and industrial applications. In a close cooperation, Dr. Vahid Niasar (University of Manchester) and Prof. Holger Steeb (principal investigator in the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 1313 and head of research in the Cluster of Excellence SimTech (University of Stuttgart)), their team members and collaborators from Diamond Light Source developed the methodology to investigate spatiotemporal behavior of solute transport in unsaturated porous media using fast high-resolution synchrotron X-ray imaging. With this method they were able to visualize transport processes in a 3D partially-saturated porous medium for the first time.
PNAS 2020, 2011716117
Corresponding author: Vahid Niasar
InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit your highlight to newsletter@InterPore.org. Clearly indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an Institutional Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication should be no older than 6 months (available online).
The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration. Please note that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member, please have a look here.
- Post-doctoral research position, Reactive transport modeling, Brown University, USA
26-28 October 2020
The French Chapter meeting (Strasbourg, France) (flyer)
2 November 2020
The Benelux Chapter meeting (Enschede, The Netherlands)
23-25 November 2020
The Australian Chapter meeting (Perth, Australia)
1-2 February 2021
The German Chapter meeting (Stuttgart, Germany)
31 May – 3 June 2021
The 13th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, UK)
15-21 May 2022
The 14th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)
The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)