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InterPore Newsletter 2020 (22) featuring Elections coming up!

Sent on: 09-03-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

While good news from Australia and New Zealand should be celebrated, many northern hemisphere
countries are experiencing the second COVID-19 wave, as predicted. I find it stunning how the public, in clear
face of personal danger, neglects the warning signs. It makes me worried about the public response to a much
less obvious, but likely much more harmful disaster like climate change. InterPore joined the International Research Council not so long ago, which reflects on these
matters. One recent contribution is a manifesto on Open

As the InterPore community, we can play our role. We choose the ones that lead (elections coming up),
encourage those who achieved well (award nominees) and we share our knowledge by online means (Benelux Chapter
meeting, online lectures and YouTube Tea Time Talks). We care for each other, and we care for porous media
research. The latter because it is so fascinating and fun!

All the best,

Matthijs de Winter
InterPore News

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InterPore Elections

All current InterPore members are eligible to vote. If you are a member, expect an email from My Direct Vote
(Email Subject: InterPore Election 2020 login information) on 1 November which includes a personalized
link to our voting platform. There, you will be able to elect a new President-Elect, five new
Council members and three members of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC). For more information, please refer
to our website.

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Minisymposia Deadline

The deadline for submitting minisymposia proposals for both is 31 October 2020.

Complementary Minisymposia

Complementary minisymposia mustn’t have any overlap with the 20 pre-defined ones. It can deal with an
emerging technology or be a major application that deserves a special attention. To submit a proposal for a
complementary minisymposium, please go to the website.


A proposal for a sub-session should have a title, the name of the minisymposium within which it will be
organized, the full name and affiliation of co-organizers, and a description (max 200 words.) If your
sub-session proposal for a given minisymposium is selected, you will be asked to act as co-organizers of that
minisymposium. To submit a proposal for a sub-session, please go to the website.

The deadline for submitting proposals for both is 31 October 2020.

More information

More information on the conference can be found on our website. Please contact the program committee if you have any questions.

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InterPore Benelux Chapter meeting

The 4th InterPore Benelux day will take place on 2 November 2020 at the University of Twente, Enschede. The
meeting will involve talks from industries (Canon, Shell) as well as universities (University of Stuttgart,
University of Utrecht, and others) and will explore innovative experimental and numerical approaches to
effectively apply existing porous media technologies to applications such as inkjet printing, energy storage
and geothermal energy. InterPore Benelux aims to strengthen the contacts between research groups, both in the
Netherlands and in the Benelux region, working on the topic of fluids transport and porous media and to
promote the use of state-of-the art knowledge in this field for industrial applications.

The InterPore Benelux Chapter meeting will be accessible online and is free of charge. The program can be
found here.

If you want to join (through Zoom), please find the link to the meeting on our

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InterPore Membership Renewal

We greatly appreciate your continued and valuable support of InterPore during the past years.

Unless you belong to one of our institutional members with a membership of several years or you are a
lifetime member, your InterPore membership will expire at end of this year. So, we would like to invite you to
renew your membership for 2021.

Please renew by following this link to the members sign in page to log into your account and begin the
process. For those of you who have trouble accessing your InterPore account, please contact Meghan McCarroll.

For those of you who don’t have an InterPore account yet, you can create a login account here in a few easy

Also, please introduce InterPore to colleagues who are active porous media researchers, and invite them to
join InterPore. You may also wish to consider the possibility of your institute becoming an institutional
member of InterPore (see the website
about institutional membership). We will be happy to provide more information regarding the benefits of
institutional membership.

Please refer here for membership
benefits and here for membership

In case you need any help or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Meghan McCarroll.

We look forward to welcoming you as a participant of our events in 2021.

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InterPore Award Nominations

The deadline for InterPore award nominations has been extended until 7 November 2020.

We are kindly asking for your assistance by nominating worthy candidates for this year’s awards.

Additional information on awards and requirements for nomination can be found online.

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We are happy to invite you to our next Porous Media Tea Time Talks (#PorousMediaTTT) session at 3
November at 10:30 am CEST local time
on our YouTube Channel.

The goal of the Porous Media TTT is to act as a complimentary platform to the already very successful Geoscience and Geoenergy webinars with
the focus placed on young professionals.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you online!

Catherine Spurin (ICL), Kamalijt Singh (HW), Marcel Moura (PoreLab, UiO), Tom Bultreys (UGhent), Mohammad
Nooraiepour (UiO), Maja Ruecker (ICL)

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Short Courses on Advanced Porous Media Topic


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

The Porous Media Group at the University of Bergen is organizing a series of short courses to be held online
over the next six months, titled “Mathematics of Porous Media”. The series consists of six short courses, each
3 times 2 hours, and will be held regularly every Friday 14:00-16:00 CET, starting in two weeks on 30 October.

Their webpage will be updated regularly. The tentative schedule is
as follows:

30.10: Introduction to the mathematics of porous media Jan Martin Nordbotten, University of

06.11 – 20.11: Porous media-free flow coupling Rainer Helmig, Stuttgart University /
University of Bergen

27.11 – 11.12: Homogenization for porous media Sorin Pop, Hasselt University / University of

January 2021: Brain modelling: from MR images to finite element simulation Marie Rognes,
Simula / University of Bergen

February 2021: Fracture reactivation and propagation in deforming porous media Inga Berre,
University of Bergen

March 2021: Multigrid solvers for heterogeneous coefficients Xiaozhe Hu, Tufts University /
University of Bergen

April 2021: Contact mechanics and variational inequalities Barbara Wohlmuth, Technical
University of Munich / University of Bergen

How to sign up

The lectures are aimed at the graduate level and are open to anyone
interested. In order to allow for direct student participation and in respect of various privacy laws, the
lectures will be “live only” on Zoom, and no recording will be published. For this to work smoothly, we
require that participants sign up in advance by sending an e-mail to Eirik Keilegavlen, with name, institution and email address. The
email should be linked to the Zoom account you will use to access the meeting. Login information for the
individual lectures will be sent out no later than lunchtime at the Friday of the lecture.

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Promote your Publication

InterPore Members, do you want to promote your publication to the community? If so, please submit your
highlight to Clearly
indicate which of the authors is an InterPore member (or the institute with an Institutional
Membership). Note that we will not review the entries nor does InterPore endorse the published
work. Furthermore, we publish on a “submitted first, published first” basis. The highlighted publication
should be no older than 6 months (available online).

The highlight should be short (max 100 words) and contain an illustration. Please note
that we offer this opportunity exclusively to InterPore members. If you would like to become a member,
please have a look here.

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  • Post-doc
    position, Numerical investigation of the factors driving attenuation kinetics of non-aqueous-phase liquid
    (NAPL) source, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Lorraine, France

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2 November 2020

Benelux Chapter meeting (Enschede, The Netherlands)

23-25 November 2020

The Australian Chapter meeting (Perth, Australia)

1-2 February 2021

The German Chapter
meeting (Stuttgart, Germany)

31 May – 3 June 2021

The 13th annual InterPore meeting (Edinburgh, UK)

15-21 May 2022

The 14th annual InterPore meeting (Qingdao, China)


The 15th annual InterPore meeting (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)