Current and Past Course Offerings
Welcome to the complete overview of InterPore's educational offerings. Our courses are designed to advance your knowledge of porous media, combining theoretical insights with practical applications. Explore our current and past courses to find topics that suit your interests and learning goals, all guided by experts in the field.
Foundational Courses
PORE 1-1: Fundamentals of Porous Media Structure and Characterization
Explore the imaging of porous media and image processing, quantification of pore-scale images, single phase transport, and multiphase flow.
PORE 1-2: Introduction to Single Phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media
This course aims to provide a foundational understanding of flow and transport in porous media, emphasizing its broad applications across various fields, including energy, hydrology, geothermal systems, and the emerging areas of carbon sequestration and hydrogen storage.
PORE 1-3: Multiphase Flow and Transport in Porous Media
This course will provide participants with an introduction to the basic principles of multiphase flow in porous media.
PORE 1-6 Interfacial chemistry/Geochemistry and reactive transport in porous Media
In this course, we will revisit the fundamentals of interfacial chemistry, geochemistry and reactive transport, including overviews of thermodynamics and kinetics, transport mechanisms, characterization of surface properties, reactive transport modeling basics, and introductions of commonly used reactive transport codes.
PORE 1-8 Microfluidics for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
This course provides an overview of microfluidics in the context of understanding the pore- and interfacial-scale processes that control multiphase flow and reactions in porous media.
Specialised Courses
PORE 2-3 Machine Learning application in Porous Media: from image processing to multiscale models
More information coming soon!
PORE 2-4 Capillarity in porous media at different scales
PORE 2-8.1 Multiscale modeling and simulation of fractured porous rocks: Simulation science for sustainable geosciences, from CO2 and H2 storage to Geothermal Energy
The increasing demand for accurate and efficient simulation of multiphase flow, heat transfer and mechanics in subsurface formations motivates the development of advanced computational methods which are not only accurate but also amenable to uncertainty quantification. The non-linear, heterogeneous, uncertain, dynamic and coupled nature of the mathematical formulations make such developments challenging, yet possible if a multiscale methodology is properly devised for the components of the coupled system.
PORE 2-8.2 Salt Cavern Modeling and Simulation
Attendees will gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in mechanics modeling and simulations, with a focus on salt caverns and their relevance to porous media. The course covers the fundamental concepts of salt rock mechanics and constitutive modeling, including guidelines for parameter calibration. These concepts are directly applicable to porous rock mechanics as well.
Topical Courses
PORE 3-1 H2 Geologic Storage
Please note that this course has been postponed until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience and will provide updates as soon as a new date is scheduled.
PORE 3-2 Fundamentals of Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
This four-day course provides a comprehensive foundation in geothermal reservoir engineering, emphasizing both theory and practical applications. Participants will explore geothermal energy fundamentals, fluid and heat flow dynamics, multiphase systems, reservoir heterogeneity, and energy conversion.
PORE 3-9 A non-local statistical mechanics framework for immiscible flow in permeable media
The goal of the course is to introduce students to nonlocality, fundamental scale considerations, and upscaling based on a statistical mechanics framework grounded in the physics of multiphase flow in porous media.
Recorded Short Courses
We are currently offering the following three recorded short courses, which you can purchase at any time. Click on the course title to see more information and to register. Once the course has been paid for, you will be able to access it in your personal account area, and will have access to all course content and videos for a period of 60 days.
Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective
This course will provide an overview of pore-scale imaging, analysis and modelling with an emphasis on how the fundamentals inform practical applications. The course will allow scientists and engineers to make the best use of the latest developments in imaging and modelling, and to apply the results intelligently to predict and interpret field-scale recovery, storage and transport processes.
Heat Transfer in Porous Media: Various Models from a Multi-Scale Perspective
Heat transfer in porous media is a typical example of a complex multi-scale problem with multiphase aspects, potential for local non-equilibrium behaviors, strong coupling with other transport mechanisms (multiphase flow, dispersion, reaction, …). Applications are found in many different areas, bringing also a large spectrum of characteristic spatial and time scales: chemical engineering, nuclear engineering, petroleum engineering, geothermal resources, composite materials, ablative layers in aerospace industry, drying and food engineering, cryogenic engineering, to name a few.
Introduction to Open-Source Computational Fluid Dynamics using OpenFOAM® Technology - "Simulation in Porous Media from Pore- to Reservoir-Scale"
This short course aims at discovering this simulation platform through a series of lectures and live demonstrations. Most of the exercises concern porous media physics either at porescale or at Darcy’s scale. Beyond this objective, the course is also an introduction to computational microfluidics and Digital Rock Physics.