PORE 2-8.1: Multiscale modeling and simulation of fractured porous rocks: Simulation science for sustainable geosciences, from CO2 and H2 storage to geothermal energy
*This course was previously listed as PORE 3-X
The increasing demand for accurate and efficient simulation of multiphase flow, heat transfer and mechanics in subsurface formations motivates the development of advanced computational methods which are not only accurate but also amenable to uncertainty quantification. The non-linear, heterogeneous, uncertain, dynamic and coupled nature of the mathematical formulations make such developments challenging, yet possible if a multiscale methodology is properly devised for the components of the coupled system.
Learning Objectives:
Day 1: Geo-energy simulation transition & multiscale simulation concepts
- New challenges facing energy transition from the geoscience modeling perspectives
- Key simulation challenges of underground hydrogen storage, CO2 geo-storage & geothermal systems.
- Revisit the formulation of multiphase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs & simulation strategies
- The matter of scales in geoscience modeling: from nanometer to kilometer
- Multiscale simulation for single-phase flow in heterogeneous reservoirs
- Simulation practice & discussion
Day 2: Multiscale 2D flow simulation, iterative strategy, comparative studies
- Algebraic multiscale methods & their relationship with Algebraic Multigrid and Domain Decomposition
- Comparative study between upscaling/homogenization & multiscale methods
- Iterative multiscale methods: concepts, development and implementation
Day 3: Multiscale- pEDFM for fractured media & fully implicit multiscale strategies
- Flow in fractured media using embedded discrete models (EDFM and pEDFM)
- Introducing further topics for the follow-up Short Course:
- Multiscale for fully-implicit systems
- Multiscale for geo-mechanics
- Multiscale for geothermal energy simulation
- Practical, discussions & learning points
Course Dates & Time: January 24, 27, & 28 from 9:00-14:00 Central European Time
Please note that the Zoom link and all other course-related information can be found within the individual lessons, which registered participants can access through their user account.
Hadi Hajibeygi is a professor of Geo-Energy Solid and Fluid Mechanics at Delft University of Technology. His research centers around advancing modeling and simulation sciences for processes in geological reservoirs – both experimental and computational, specially addressing multiscale heterogeneity and uncertainties across scales. Hadi holds a PhD with medal from ETH Zurich in Fluid Dynamics and was a Postdoc Scholar at Stanford University Energy Resources Engineering before joining TU Delft in 2013. The applications of his research include underground hydrogen storage science and technology, as well as carbon dioxide storage and well as geothermal energy exploitation.
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.nl/citations?user=T9q3vYQAAAAJ&hl=en
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hadihajibeygi/?originalSubdomain=nl
Course Description:
The increasing demand for accurate and efficient simulation of multiphase flow, heat transfer and mechanics in subsurface formations motivates the development of advanced computational methods which are not only accurate but also amenable to uncertainty quantification. The non-linear, heterogeneous, uncertain, dynamic and coupled nature of the mathematical formulations make such developments challenging, yet possible if a multiscale methodology is properly devised for the components of the coupled system. Such multiscale methodologies allow for a physics-based algebraic dynamic multilevel description of the highly-resolved heterogeneous discrete equations in both space and time. At the same time, they allow for crossing up and down between resolutions, with systematic error reduction to any desired norm. This short course is offered to enable the attendees to get an in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience with multiscale simulation of multiphase flow in fractured reservoirs. While we develop our own python codes in the class for many of the topics, we will also introduce the Delft Advanced Reservoir Simulator (DARSim), which has many of the multiscale topics for 3D complex systems.
Important note: All lectures will be offered live, and participants are expected to attend all sessions in order to be granted a certificate of attendance. Recordings of the lectures will be provided in most cases within 24 hours after each session. These recordings will be available for 1 month following course completion. Please note that sharing the recordings with others is not permitted.
Course access information and more details will be sent to all participants the week before the course start. For questions, please contact karolin.weber@interpore.org.