Research Gaps to Achieve SDGs by 2030
International Science Council’s Publication on Research Gaps to Achieve SDGs by 2030
We would like to draw your attention to the following publication by the ISC.
This publication looks at identifying research topics of particular importance to achieve the SDGs set by the United Nations by 2030. The topics covered are:
- Topic A: Sustainable planet for a dignified human future
- Topic B: Economies for the People and the Planet
- Topic C: Towards integrated and inclusive governance and capable institutions at all levels
- Topic D: Digital transformations for humanity and inclusive sustainable development
- Topic E: Understanding the processes of societal transformations in different contexts
The report also explores how to successfully reform science systems by changing practice, boosting research capacity (focusing on middle and low-income countries) and strengthening trust in science. Within InterPore we have long been contributing to capacity building through our national chapters.
ISC Discussion Time
Share your thoughts on the research gaps identified by the ISC and where your works fit in this picture.
In ISC news items we propose topics for group discussions with your research team, either during a coffee break or in a dedicated session. InterPore is a member of ISC.