About Brazil InterPore
The Brazilian Chapter of Interpore was created on October 20, 2014, during the First IMPA Interpore – Workshop on Porous Media, held at the Brazilian National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), in Rio de Janeiro. More than 50 researchers attended this meeting, from Brazilian and international universities, as well as from companies.
- Liaison with InterPore
- Creating an overview and database of the Brazilian research groups focused on porous media studies
- Establishing the expertise and knowledge exchange between academia and industry on the problems associated with porous media
- Organization of regular national meetings
- Promoting publication of Research Spotlights in the InterPore Newsletter
- Providing input to the Annual InterPore meetings
- Attracting new members to the InterPore
- Attracting students to the activities of the BR-InterPore
Return to overview of National Chapters.
The Brazil InterPore Chapter was the winner of the 2019 InterPore National Chapter Award!
The Brazil Chapter had a very significant increase of its members over the past period. Furthermore, the chapter organized a meeting with international participation and a special session in the 32 Brazilian Colloquium of Mathematics: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects in Fluid Dynamics. We especially acknowledge the effort placed into the aim of establishing contacts and cooperation with other countries/Chapters.
Check out our Interdisciplinary Research Spotlight!
This Interdisciplinary Research Spotlight was written by the Brazilian Research Group in Porous Media Systems working in cooperation with the Brazil InterPore National Chapter.