6th Brazil Interpore Chapter Conference on Porous Media
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The 6th Brazil InterPore Chapter Conference on Porous Media occurred from August 7th to 9th, 2023, at the Sirius laboratory, in Campinas – SP - Brazil. Sirius is a fourth-generation Brazilian Synchrotron laboratory, and it was the conference venue for the first time. Sirius is part of the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), one of the national laboratories of the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). There were 104 participants, with representatives from all Brazilian regions (North, Northwest, South, and Southwest) were at the event, as well as eighteen foreigners. The conference attracted many students, post-docs and young researchers and foster interaction with senior researchers and professors from academia and industry.
The conference brought twelve plenary speakers, eighteen oral presentation and twenty-three porters covering a variety of porous media areas: synchrotron; theory, modeling, numerical methods; energy and industrial application; green world; biotechnology; oil science and microfluidic and smart materials. The scientific program was focused on advances in porous media research, methods, applications, and theory. It consists of plenary lectures with internationally recognized experts, and several sessions of seminars on selected topics covering diverse scientific fields related to porous media. This event aims to disseminate knowledge on porous media related topics and strengthen the collaboration between the Brazilian InterPore community and the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory by bringing together international and local specialists from the academy, industry, and experimental areas related to porous media research.
The 6th Brazil InterPore Conference on Porous Media is the sixth of a series of successful meetings organized by the Brazilian chapter of the International Society for Porous Media. The first Brazillian Interpore Conference was held at the Brazilian National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), on October 19-21, 2014, in Rio de Janeiro, followed by the 2nd InterPore BR Meeting also at IMPA. The 3rd InterPore BR Meeting Brazillian Interpore Conference was held at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) https://youtu.be/5VVLwsVuo2Y August 05-08, 2019 – Petrópolis.