3rd Brazil InterPore Chapter Meeting
The Conference consists of the Third of a series of previous successful meetings also organized by the Brazilian Chapter which took place at the Institute of Pure Applied Mathematics (IMPA) under the umbrella of the International Society for Porous Media.
The main aim of the 3rd conference is to disseminate knowledge on porous media related topics and strengthen collaboration among researchers by bringing together international and Brazilian specialists from academia and industry acting in a wide range of areas related to porous media research.
The event will take place at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computation (LNCC) located in the city of Petropolis during the period August 5-8, 2019. The talks will be given by Invited Plenarists and Semi-Plenarisits along with contributed Oral and Poster Presentations.
The scientific program will focus on advances in the research, methods, and theory of (but not limited to):
- Digital Imaging (micro-CT images, Pore-scale imaging & modeling, upscaling of pore-scale forces)
- Nanomateriais (Theory, Applications, Lattice Boltzmann, DNS, Pore-Scale, Discrete Network)
- Numerical Simulation HPC
- Uncertainty Quantification and Geostatistical Models
- Applications in Biological systems, Biotechnology and Medicine
- Fundamental mathematics of porous media flows (Theory, Computations and applications)
- Petroleum science and technology (Theory, Computations and applications)
- Water Resources (Theory, Computations and applications)
- Seismic and Inverse problems
- Applications in renewable energy
- Geo, rock and soil mechanics