Call for Abstracts: FRAME 2020+2
17-20 May, 2022, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
The conference is aimed at presenting and discussing cutting-edge issues about modeling and development of numerical tools for porous fractured media simulations.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Flow in fracture networks; Influence of roughness inside the fractures; Flow in fractured porous media; Up-scaling and homogenization; Coupled thermal, hydraulic and/or mechanical processes in fractured media; Fault reactivation and fracture deformation; Fracture propagation; Self organization of fracture networks; Non-linearities (such as geochemistry, dissolution inside the fractures etc…); Verification benchmarks; Uncertainty quantification/risk measurements; Artificial intelligence applied to fractured media, Graph based methods, model reduction.
Abstract submission will close on February 20th.
The aim is an in presence conference, but remote presentations will be accommodated if needed.
There is no conference fee, but registration will be compulsory.
Further information can be found at here