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InterPore Newsletter 2021 (6) featuring Updates, New Awardees, Community News and more

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

In our daily rat race, we all seem to move from survival of the fittest to survival of the best
advertised. For InterPore this works in two ways. We offer a great network of scientists, institutes
and industry and we facilitate advertisement of scientific breakthrough and knowledge through our
InterPore chapters, InterPore2021, online webinars, the KC lecturers, the Newsletter, etc. But, of
course, we’re also relying on you, being part (or becoming part) of InterPore and promoting our
society further.

InterPore Newsletter 2021 (5) featuring InterPore Award winners

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore colleagues,

InterPore Newsletter 2021 (4) featuring InterPore awards winners

Send on: 18-01-2025

Issue #04, 19 February 2021

InterPore Newsletter 2021 (3) featuring Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturers

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

InterPore Newsletter 2021 (2) featuring the InterPore Academy pre-recorded Short Courses

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

Today’s newsletter features the InterPore Academy pre-recorded Short-Course series. If you have
missed a
short course or want to suggest the course to a colleague, this is your chance. When composing this
Newsletter, I came to realize that we probably would not have had this feature without the highly
extending of online possibilities. A year ago, we’d be travelling across the globe.

InterPore Newsletter 2021 (1) featuring the InterPore Election Results

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

Happy New Year! I hope that 2021 will bring you good health, good spirit and a great environment for living
and working. When those pieces fall in place, beautiful science will follow, almost as a natural consequence.
That is why we look after each other.

Those looking after InterPore are our president, council and Student Affairs Committee (amongst many other
InterPore committees, of course). But to start the year with great news: The election results led to an
indisputable outcome. See below!

InterPore Newsletter 2020 (25) featuring The InterPore Academy of Porous Media Initiative

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

The end of the year is nearing. What a year it was. Certainly not as we would have imagined one year
ago. Of course, science progressed, and we get better and better at online activities, but the human
tragedies caused by COVID-19 does cast a major shadow over everything. Unfortunately, the near
future will likely look similar.

InterPore Newsletter 2020 (24) featuring Final days to vote

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

Last chance to vote, as the polls close at 30 November. Why voting? Well, for example our current president
Laura Pyrak-Nolte represented us, the porous media community, at the very large University Alliance of the
Silk Route events, as you can read below. You can choose which of the two capable candidates will do that in a
few years from now.

InterPore Newsletter 2020 (23) featuring InterPore Election Time!

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

It’s InterPore Election time! Voting is made very easy, but choosing candidates is hard. Of course,
it is a
luxury problem, having to choose between all these wonderful people who are willing to invest time
in our
InterPore community. Happy voting everybody!

InterPore Newsletter 2020 (22) featuring Elections coming up!

Send on: 18-01-2025

Dear InterPore friends,

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