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Holiday Greetings
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All past FlashNews and Newsletters are online here: E-Newsletter
Dear InterPore colleagues,
The great thing about our InterPore In Journals section is it showcases the
of research being done in porous media research. From the tiniest scales to global
scale. From experimental work to artificial intelligence. And all that comes in
A change of pace this week is the call for action from the International Science
Council. It is an appeal to us as scientists and as fellow humans to stand up for
those in need. Just sending a tweet can make a difference.
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Lots of work goes unnoticed, and here is an example I’d like to put forward: the
technical realization of our Newsletter. After some complaints from readers with a
specific email program / device, we changed a few things “under the hood”.
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Exciting news in today’s Newsletter! Although it is unfortunate that InterPore2022 can’t go to
Qingdao, we did find a great alternative. Please find out more below.
Dear InterPore colleagues,
Who signed up for one of the InterPore Academy short courses? And if you didn’t, why not? Well, I
although I was really interested in Majid’s course on virus and colloid transport, as it relates to
a project I am working on. So why not? Well, lack of time, of course. (I admit, time is never the
problem, it is priority)
Dear InterPore colleagues,
I got involved in a strong discussion with a friend who in Dutch would be called a “wappie”
(translates to a combination of a conspiracy thinker and a nutter), although he would refuse to be
called a “wappie”. He is just “investigating everything”. Based on figures and so-called independent
numbers from the internet in general and social media in particular, he claims that COVID isn’t so
bad, all the measures against COVID are far too strong and that the vaccine is dangerous and
unnecessary. Hang on, numbers independent from what!?
Issue #19, 17 September 2021
Issue #18, 3 September 2021