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Study Plan in Porous Media (SP-PM)

The InterPore Academy offers a Study Plan in Porous Media (SP-PM)—a systematic and comprehensive professional development opportunity for students, scientists, and practitioners. This program is designed to advance expertise in the modeling, design, optimization, and analysis of both engineered and natural porous structures.

The SP-PM provides a range of online and in-person (non-graded) courses focusing on porous media theory, numerical and data-driven methods, and experimental techniques tailored to porous media applications. Each course includes 12–14 hours of interactive lectures, supplemented by additional resources provided at the discretion of the instructors.

Taught at the graduate level by renowned experts in the field, the courses are structured to equip participants with both foundational and specialized knowledge, enabling them to approach porous media research and applications comprehensively and quantitatively.

The vision of the SP-PM is threefold:

  • Foundational and Specialized Knowledge: To build a robust understanding of porous media across diverse applications.
  • Global Connections: To connect participants with leading lecturers from institutions worldwide, fostering an international exchange of ideas and expertise.
  • Community Building: To strengthen and expand the vibrant and diverse porous media community.

Through this initiative, the InterPore Academy continues its dedication to advancing education, research, and collaboration in porous media science and engineering.

Foundational Courses will include:

  • Fundamentals of porous media structure and characterization
  • Introduction to single phase flow and transport in porous media
  • Multiphase flow and transport in porous media
  • Mechanics of deformable porous media
  • Heat transfer in porous media
  • Interfacial chemistry/Geochemistry and reactive transport in porous media
  • Experimental Methods for Flow and Transport in Porous Media


Course Fees for 2025:

The fees for InterPore courses are structured based on your membership status and professional category. Below is the fee breakdown:

  • InterPore Student Member: 120€
  • InterPore Student Non-Member: 150€
  • InterPore Academic Member: 180€
  • InterPore Academic Non-Member: 220€
  • InterPore Industry Member: 240€
  • InterPore Industry Non-Member: 360€


If you suspect that you are being shown the wrong price for your membership and/or professional status, or if you are experiencing any issues with the registration process, please contact us at

If you would like to sign up for an InterPore membership before registering for the course, please visit our Membership Page.



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