Call For Abstracts: INTRUSION2023
3-5 July 2023, Bari, Italy
Numerical Analysis, Porous Media, and Water Resources: A Fruitful Contamination
This interdisciplinary workshop aims to bridge the gap between various fields such as geosciences, hydrology, soil science, ecology, applied mathematics, and numerical analysis. We invite presentations of innovative numerical methods and applications related to water resources management, poromechanics, contaminant and multiphase flow, with the idea of fostering interconnections between mathematical and numerical novelties and hydrological and environmental model applications. The workshop is part of the activities of IMACS technical committee Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Porous Media in Subsurface Environments.
PhD students and young researchers are encouraged to present their work. Limited support for young researchers may be available. Please contact the organization for further information.
The abstract and early bird registration deadline is 28 May. Visit the website for more information and to register.