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Norway Chapter

About Norway InterPore 

The mission of the Norwegian Chapter of InterPore is to create a platform for scientists and engineers involved in porous media studies in Norway or with connection to Norway. The Norwegian Chapter of InterPore focuses on interdisciplinary and/or fundamental studies of porous media in connection with applications and national and international technological demands. It aims to advance and disseminate knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and engineered porous media systems.

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Upcoming Meetings

No upcoming meetings for now. Stay tuned!

Past Meetings

Program Norway InterPore 4th
National Workshop December 01, 2021, Bergen
Program Norway InterPore 3rd 
National Workshop October 16, 2019, Stavanger
Program Norway InterPore 2nd
National Workshop November 09, 2018, Oslo
Program Norway InterPore 1st
National Workshop October 18, 2017, Trondheim

Steering Committee

University of Stavanger

NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology

University of Bergen




University of Oslo, PoreLab


Norwegian University of Science and Technology