5th National Workshop on Porous Media
On December 1st, 2022, the Norwegian Chapter of InterPore has met for the 5th National Workshop on Porous Media. On a rotation between different cities, this year’s edition took place in Trondheim, at NTNU. About 40 participants from academia and industry attended the meeting. Engaging presentations have been given by the invited speakers Steffen Berg (Shell), Signe Kjelstrup (NTNU), Gaute Linga (Universitetet i Oslo), Erika Eiser (NTNU), Alex Xavier Jerves (NGI), Martin Fernø (Universitetet i Bergen), and Marcel Moura (Universitetet i Oslo). At the end of the day, a poster session has been organized with several posters presented by students and postdocs. In addition, the chair of the steering committee, Sarah Gasda (NORCE and Universitetet i Bergen) informed about the activities of the chapter, both in 2022 and the near future.
The workshop has been organized by Alex Hansen, Carl Fredrik Berg, and Seyed Ali Ghoreishian Amiri, and financially supported by PoreLab CoE.