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Images from the meeting
Stavanger, Norway

InterPore Norway 2024

Summary InterPore Norway 2024 

The 7th meeting of the Norwegian Chapter of InterPore was held in Stavanger on December 5th, 2024. The meeting was organized by Siv Marie Åsen, Johan O. Helland, Lisa Watson, Sarah Gasda, and Aksel Hiorth (chair). It was hosted by NCS2030 and the University of Stavanger. About 40 participants attended the annual workshop, with a balance between university, industry, and research institutes, both in terms of participants and speakers.

A full day of scientific talks was kicked off by the international guest Luis Cueto-Felgueroso from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, who talked about his work on phase-field modeling of challenging fracturing processes as well as multiphase flow in rough fractures.

Full program can be accessed here

Furthermore, a list of Norwegian research was presented, including THMC processes and sub-seabed CO2 release and leakage in abandoned wells (Viktoriya Yarushina), microbiology in the context of underground hydrogen storage (Annie Biwen), PINNS for multiphase flow in fractured media (Jassem Abbasi), wax in hydrocarbon production for near wellbore treatment and water-shutoff (Arne Stavland), and the use of simple logging tools to estimate water-oil contact lines in the field (Trond Rolfsvåg). Finally, Ali Eftekhari from DTU rounded off the scientific day with his view on CCS policy.

A business meeting of the Norwegian Chapter of InterPore was included as part of the program. A presentation of activities was given, and a transparent process of changes in the bylaws was conducted. This marked the final business meeting headed by the chair Sarah Gasda, as she, together with Alex Hansen and Marcel Moura, rotated out of the board after eight successful years of creating and shaping InterPore Norway. Exciting elections were held to find their successors. The board now consists of Seyed Ali Ghoreishian Amiri, Jakub Both (new chair), Aksel Hiorth (remaining seated), and now welcoming Mohammad Nooraiepour (UiO), Paula Reis (UiO), and Santanu Sinha (NTNU).

National Chapter Event
Event end