Groenekanseweg 128
3731AK De Bilt
About BeNeLux InterPore
The InterPore BeNeLux Chapter was established in 2015, extending the Dutch InterPore Chapter, which was established in 2011.
InterPore BeNeLux shares the same objectives as those of InterPore, which promote advancing and disseminating knowledge for the understanding, description, and modeling of natural and industrial porous media systems. It acts as a platform for scientists, engineers and authorities involved in porous media systems in the BeNeLux (Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg), and identifies scientific and engineering problems that need to be addressed at the BeNeLux level. It also aims at offering expertise and advice to authorities and industry.
- Liaison with InterPore and other national chapters
- Attracting new members to InterPore
- Providing input to annual meetings of InterPore
- Providing input to the InterPore Newsletter
- Supporting the formation of a student chapter
- The BeNeLux chapter meetings are biennial
- Organizing biennial meetings of InterPore BeNeLux (see below)