Maja Rücker
InterPore Council Members
Ordinary Council Member
Leadership and Governance for Academy
National Chapter Steering Committee
Course Committee
Committee Member
Treatment and development of sub-surface fluid reservoirs in rocks, such as aquifers, H2 or CO2 storage sites, is crucial for the reduction of stress on water supply, energy demand, climate and environment. Insight into how fluids behave within the confined space of the porous rock is key for decision-making processes in the associated applications.
I study molecular interactions of fluids within porous materials and how these link to the macroscopic flow phenomena (incl. multiphase flow responses, reactive transport), develop integrated experimental workflows for upscaling and advance digital modelling approaches used, e.g. to assist decision making for effective utilization of sub-surface resources and of other porous media applications.
Current research projects are funded by the Irene-Curie Fellowship, the Veni-NWO talent scheme, UF/e and the DeepNL-NWO programme.
I received my PhD in a joint project of the Rock & Fluid Physics team at Shell Global Solutions International B.V. and Imperial College London and hold a BSc and MSc degree in Geoscience from the Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz. I worked from 2018-2020 as a Research Assistant and later as Research Associate in the Chemical Engineering Department at Imperial College London, where I was a visiting researcher till 2023. Supported by the Interpore Porelab award for young researchers 2020, I am regularly visiting the Porelab Institute at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the University of Oslo. Since 2024, I hold also a visiting position at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research.
November 2020, I joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Eindhoven University of Technology as an Assistant Professor. Here, I am working in the Energy Technology group and teach the international MSc course 'Energy transition- the path towards net zero' in collaboration with EuroteQ and the honors initiative: 4TU.Responsible Sustainability Challange. Furthermore, I contribute to the MSc course Energy Geoscience.