InterPore2020: Online Conference

Since the news of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak surfaced, we have been monitoring the situation and have been considering different options. Although the situation is improving in many countries, currently there is too much uncertainty regarding the restrictions that will still be in place in September. We are committed to hosting InterPore2020 and have decided that holding anĀ online-only conferenceĀ this year is in the best interest of all our participants.

An integral part of any conference, the ability to make new connections and build existing networks is one of our top priorities. This must also be met with a streamlined approach to presenting multiple sessions across various tracks.Ā Our top goal is to provide a conference which informs and engages participants as much as any face-to-face meeting.Ā A task force has been exploring online conference platforms and will be providing recommendations to the Executive Committee in the next week.

While we know that registration fees will be drastically reduced, exact fees will be determined shortly. As the Executive Office begins to work through the details, we will be providing you with additional information on registration and the modest fee that will go with it. Rest assured that we will continue to offer you a great return on your investment.

We appreciate your continued support!