Inter Pore 2020: The social Side of Online Conferencing

While the world is still experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic and also in our community we are mourning our loved ones or comforting those affected, it has become clear that we need to stand united and care about each other.

We still strive to do what we love: advance porous media research and knowledge! As part of the organizing committee of InterPore2020, we are strongly convinced that our community is best served by an online conference as an alternative to postponing our Annual Meeting. We feel the need to stay in touch with friends and colleagues, feeling their warmth, sharing common research interests and being united in seeking and developing new opportunities to thrive.

As the program takes shape, we encourage you to experience innovative and exciting solutions to imprint the future of our meetings. Likely, these will also play a role as part of the larger picture framing the future of upcoming meetings of many societies worldwide!

The possibly most challenging aspect of an online conference is making the most from the opportunity of having informal meetings, socializing and enjoying a variety of entertaining activities together. Think about last year’s marathon (only 5 km! and a lovely event!) and choir concert. Being at home does not imply we cannot meet in many diverse ways! Just picture in your mind a variety of exciting possibilities such as visiting an online museum, virtual races, online games, or relaxing by simultaneously viewing a movie “together“. You can even savor a meal together! While connected with your mobile device on the dining table, you can share the feeling of breakfast, lunch and dinner across the globe!

But… we need help! Are you creative, full of ideas and sufficiently familiar with online activities, please contact us and work with us on the social side of online conferencing.

Alberto Guadagnini and Matthijs de Winter