InterPore Elections 2024: Call for Nominations

InterPore Elections are coming up, spanning an election period from 1 – 30 November 2024. With this announcement, we wish to inform the Society members about the details of the election procedure.

Who will be elected?

A new President-Elect, four new Council members and five new members for the Student Affairs Committee will be elected.

The terms of office of the current InterPore President is due to end on 30 April 2025. As stipulated in the InterPore Bylaws, the current President, Karsten Thompson (Louisiana State University, USA), will transfer responsibilities to the current President-Elect, Vahid J. Niasar University of Manchester, UK). As such, a new President-Elect needs to be elected.

In addition, the term of four Council members and four members of the Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will end on the same date, and thus four new members will be elected for the Council as well as five for the SAC in November.

Who is conducting the elections?

The Election Committee, appointed by the current InterPore leadership, consists of Gabriel Wittum (Chair, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Saudi Arabia), and four committee members: Yu Jing (University of New South Wales, Australia), Mozhdeh Sajjadi (University of Tehran, Iran), Marios Valavanides (University of West Attica, Greece), and, Jiahui You (University of Houston, USA) .

Karolin Weber (InterPore Executive Officer) and Sandra Bartsch (InterPore Administrative Assistant) will assist in the technical implementation. InterPore, and the Election Committee in particular, are committed to ensure a free, fair, and transparent election process.

How will you vote?

All current InterPore members are eligible to vote and will receive an email from

Survey Ballot Systems on 01 November which includes a personalized one-time link to our voting tool.

Who are the candidates?

More information on all the candidates will be available very soon!