InterPore Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The purpose of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee is to ensure that the InterPore community harnesses the talent and knowledge from the widest possible pool of talent for the benefit of the porous media science and engineering. We believe it is necessary to leverage the vast breadth of human experience to find solutions that prevent the worst impacts of climate change and to create adaptive methods for the impacts we are already experiencing. The activities we are currently planning include promoting practices that make InterPore environment such that every person fells valued, confident and excited to share their scientific achievements.

We are pleased to introduce our newest members to the committee:


Nihal Darraj

Nihal Darraj is a CCS Researcher at Imperial College London, working on Shell digital rock project. Her work focuses on carbon dioxide geological storage. She brings over 7 years of international experience in the oil and gas industry in reservoir geomechanics, drilling waste management, and environmental-related petroleum engineering consulting. Nihal is member of the group of experts on energy efficiency with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE. She is the lead author of the UNECE brief on decarbonization of energy-intensive industries, launched in COP27. She holds an MSc degree from Imperial College London in petroleum engineering and a BSc degree in natural gas and petroleum engineering from Alexandria University.



Jian (Antonio) Wu

Antonio is currently a postdoc research fellow at the University of Sydney, Australia. He obtained a PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Sydney, a MASc from Queenā€™s University in Canada, and a BEng from Wuhan University of Technology in China. He is interested in the multiscale process of gas transport and fluid-solid interactions in porous media, with applications in energy and the environment.