InterPore Awards Goes to Prof. Yao and Prof. Benson

InterPore Meritorious Service Medal

Dr. Jun Yao
School of Petroleum Engineering, China

Dr. Jun Yao is a professor at the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China).

He has made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and the technology of porous media as well as to the academic exchanges in the field. Beyond his academic and scientific achievements, Prof. Yaoā€™s commitment to service and outreach is commendable. Prof. Jun Yao established the China InterPore Chapter in 2017 and served as its chairman for six years. Thanks to Prof. Yaoā€™s hard work and dedication over the years, InterPore has been widely promoted in China with ever increasing impact.Full report

InterPore and InterPore Foundation congratulate Prof. Yao on this honor and wish him continued success.


Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

Dr. Sally M. Benson
Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, USA

Prof. Sally Benson is world-renowned, in the porous media community and beyond. There are few academics that have achieved her level of professional success and impact. She serves as a role model and example of steadfast leadership, adventurous and rigorous scholarship, and supportive mentorship.

She currently holds the following positions, among others: the Precourt Family Professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University, the Co-Director of the Stanford Center for Carbon Storage, and member of the editorial board for the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Energy and Environmental Science. Full report

InterPore and InterPore Foundation congratulate Prof. Benson on this honor and wish her continued success.