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Each year, InterPore Foundation provides grants for scientists and students from countries with economic difficulties.

These grants can help change a young scientist’s destiny by boosting their professional career and helping them to build their network at the international level.

Listen to what this meant to some of our InterPore2023 Conference Grant Recipients:

I am grateful to receive the InterPore2023 conference grant, as a turning point in my research on the subject of industrial decarbonization. It was a great motivation and built a confidence anchor for me and my team to initiate more projects on this subject throughout the year, lead students of different disciplines to perform integrated research on the subject and conduct academic workshops. According to my personal experience, the InterPore event is not only a conference, it is a multi-disciplinary and diverse platform for experts and scientists in porous media to be heard and collaborate. Attending InterPore2023 in Edinburgh was a transformative experience, made possible by the generous grant I received. Presenting my work among experts in porous media was invaluable, providing insights into cutting-edge research and fostering connections The interdisciplinary nature of the conference broadened my perspective, and the informal networking events facilitated cultural exchange. Grateful for this opportunity, I look forward to applying the knowledge gained to contribute to the advancement of porous media research.
-Hosna Talebian -Sebastian Falcioni

Together, let’s make someone’s New Year’s wish come true!

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