InterPore2024 Plenary Speaker: Prof. Changying Zhao

In anticipation of InterPore2024, weā€™re introducing the plenary speakers in todayā€™s and forthcoming Newsletters and Bulletins. This week: Changying Zhao

Changying Zhao
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Title: Multiscale Considerations on Porous Media Heat Transfer

Prof. Changying Zhao is the Chair Professor, the Director of Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, and the Dean of China-UK Low Carbon College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Prof. Zhaoā€™s research interests mainly cover micro/nano-scale thermal radiation and metamaterial energy devices, advanced energy storage and smart energy system, and phase change heat transfer in porous media.

Heat transfer in porous media is ubiquitous in many industrial applications, such as heat exchangers, heat pipes, heat storage system, and porous coatings for thermal radiation. Thus, it is of great importance to understand in depth the heat transfer in porous media. This, however, is still a huge challenge, mainly attributed to the following facts. First, heat transfer in porous media is a process involving multiple scales. The pores in porous media can be multiscaled, ranging from nano to millimeters; and the heat transfer in each pore of porous media controls the continuum- (macro) scale heat transfer in porous media. Second, heat transfer in porous media includesā€¦ continue reading