InterPore Bylaws Update

The InterPore Council has updated the InterPore Bylaws (564 KB). The main difference is the addition of Article 9:

Article 9. Diversity, Equality, Inclusiveness The Society is committed to fostering, cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, equality and inclusiveness in the field of research and application related to porous media, as stated in the Diversity, Equality and Inclusiveness amendment.

InterPore is currently investigating how to make sure that DEI awareness is more prominent in our society. An elaboration on Article 9 can be found in Amendment 1_DEI (433 KB).

Linda Abriola is InterPoreā€™s ombudsperson. Please report any mistreatment/misconduct regarding DEI by people affiliated with InterPore to the ombudsperson via email to Any formal complaint received by the ombudsperson will be examined, discussed and addressed in the Council.