InterPore awards 2019: Award recipients announced

Our sincere congratulations go out to the following award recipients for their considerable achievements.

Honorary Lifetime Membership Award

 Rainer Helmig, University of Stuttgart

Rainer Helmig is an international leader in model development for complex porous media systems. He has published seminal modeling studies for a wide range of multi-phase, multi-component flow and transport systems with important applications to groundwater contamination, subsurface energy storage, carbon sequestration, and coupled porous- and free-flow systems. He has also led major international efforts to promote porous media science, including his remarkable leadership of the international NUPUS program, and has set an exemplary standard for guiding and promoting young scientists.

Procter & Gamble Award for Porous Media Research

 Moran Wang, Tsinghua University

Professor Wang has made numerous and important contributions to various research topics related to modeling interfacial and transport phenomena in porous media, including electro-spun nanomaterials and the fabrication of new materials. He is an expert on micro and nano-fluidics and a leading researcher in the computation and prediction of the properties of porous and fibrous materials. He is one of the most expert users of lattice Boltzmann simulation and uses this technique widely to predict porous media properties and uncover new phenomena.

Professor Wang is associated editor of several journals and (co-) author of more than 150 articles in scientific archival journals.

InterPore – PoreLab Award for Young Researchers

 Tom Bultreys, Ghent University

Dr. Tom Bultreys has contributed significantly to the field of pore-scale imaging and modeling. During his PhD, he developed a multi-scale network model to describe rocks with a very wide range of pore sizes. New concepts were developed, which have already found commercial applications. In his subsequent work at Imperial College, Bultreys worked on the validation and calibration of pore-scale network models. He developed a methodology to compare model and image experimental results on a pore-by-pore basis, providing a much richer basis of comparison that had been possible hitherto with simply the comparison of average results. His work laid the framework for a proper validation of models. Bultreys has co-authored 17 well-written papers. He is an active member of InterPore.

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