Editorial: Advances in Porous Media Science and Engineering from InterPore2020 Perspective

Editorial: Advances in porous media science and engineering from InterPore2020 perspective

Jianchao Cai, Hadi Hajibeygi, Jun Yao, S. Majid Hassanizadeh


An editorial has been published in the journal Advances in Geo-Energy Research which summarizes the InterPore2020 conference. The current scientific topics and challenges are discussed along with the keynote speeches, invited talks and invited poster pitches. Also, the career potential for young researchers is identified as a crucial topic for future research success.

Advances in Geo-Energy Research Vol. 4, No. 4, p. 352-355, 2020 Corresponding Authors: Jianchao Cai, Hadi Hajibeygi, Jun Yao and S. Majid Hassanizadeh