4th UK InterPore Conference: Abstract submission open

10-11 September 2018, Aberdeen, UK

This yearā€™s 2018 UK chapter of InterPore (UK InterPore) conference will be held on 10-11 September 2018, Aberdeen, UK. This conference will be organized jointly by Total E&P UK and the University of Aberdeen.

UK InterPore is the international societyā€™s representative organisation in the UK. It was established in 2015 with the aim of strengthening the porous media-related research in the UK by creating synergy among UK-based researchers both in academia and industry, and to establish and maintain formal links with similar organisations in Europe and beyond. UK InterPore is a fast-growing community and since its start in 2015, it has held very successful annual events in Edinburgh (2015), Loughborough (2016) and Warwick (2017).

Abstract submission

Please email an abstract (maximum 750 words) indicating your preference for an oral presentation or a poster. In line with the objectives of the International Society for Porous Media, UK InterPore encourages all research disciplines of porous media to submit abstracts to the 4th UK InterPore Conference such as natural porous media, biological and industrial porous media processes.

For more details, please refer to this website.

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