Seeking ideas: Special Issue for the InterPore 10th Anniversary

In celebration of InterPoreā€™s 10th Anniversary, we are putting together a special issue of porous media review articles in celebration of InterPoreā€™s 10th Anniversary and are looking for article ideas and authors! The special issue will be published in Transport of Porous Media, and each article will present a review of one porous media topic and present the material in a discipline-independent manner written for a researcher (e.g., graduate student, post doc, or senior researcher entering porous media) new to the field of porous media.

If you would like to propose such a paper, please send the topic, proposed authors, and a brief outline to

Ideas must be submitted by the end of September 2017. We will be sure there are no duplicate topics and provide feedback before the writing commences.



Lynn Schreyer, Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Washington State University
Denis Oā€™Carroll, Water Research Laboratory, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Mattias Schmidt, P&G Editor-in-Chief
Sridhar Ranganathan, Kimberly-Clark

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