InterPore2020: A Word from the InterPore President

With InterPoreā€™s first online Annual Meeting now coming to a close, I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who made this online event possible. An immense amount of work went into it. Thank you to all of you who joined online. I hope many of you have found new energy, new inspiration and new collaborations for innovative future research and applications porous media science and engineerng.

We will use this experience as an opportunity to learn for future online events. Of course, I also hope that we can soon resume in-person conferences, too, thinking in particular about the National Chapter meetings and InterPore2021, but I am glad that we were able to find a manageable solution for InterPore2020 in these quickly changing times.

Please stay safe and healthy!
Laura Pyrak-Nolte
InterPore, President