Short Description
OPM coordinates collaborative software development, maintains and distributes open-source software and open data sets, and seeks to ensure that these are available under a free license in a long-term perspective. Current development is focused on reservoir simulation, in particular enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration, but contributions aimed at different scientific or industrial fields are welcome. There following are the main OPM software offerings:
Flow is a reservoir simulator for three-phase black-oil problems using a fully-implicit formulation. There are also specialized variants for solvent and polymer problems. Flow can read and write standard industry formats.
Various programs for flow-based permeability upscaling, as well as upscaling of relative permeability and capillary curves using a steady-state approach.
ResInsight is an easy-to use and fast visualization tool for reservoir simulation.
Flow is a reservoir simulator for three-phase black-oil problems using a fully-implicit formulation. There are also specialized variants for solvent and polymer problems. Flow can read and write standard industry formats.
Various programs for flow-based permeability upscaling, as well as upscaling of relative permeability and capillary curves using a steady-state approach.
ResInsight is an easy-to use and fast visualization tool for reservoir simulation.

Code Repository
Open Source (OSI/FSF compatible)
Simulator: flow, transport, reaction
Targeted Application Areas
Reservoir engineering
Geothermal energy
Gas storage
Considered Porous-Media Scales
Core / Sample
Programming languages
Key publications
A.F. Rasmussen, T.H. Sandve, K. Bao, A. Lauser, J. Hove, B. Skaflestad, R. Klöfkorn, M. Blatt, A.B. Rustad, O. Sævareid, K.-A. Lie, A. Thune. The Open Porous Media Flow reservoir simulator. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81: 159-185, 2021. DOI 10.1016/j.camwa.2020.05.014.