Motivated by the unique challenges faced by the scientific community during the pandemic, a group of young porous media researchers from various universities came together to establish the Porous Media Tea Time Talks (PMTTT) initiative in June 2020. This platform, dedicated to live-streaming talks on YouTube, provides a stage exclusively for students and early-career scientists working in porous media.
Since its inception, InterPore has supported PMTTT, recognizing its value in fostering knowledge sharing and community building. In its first year alone, the initiative achieved remarkable success, hosting nearly 40 talks and reaching a global audience. Building on this momentum, PMTTT has now formally joined InterPore as the foundational activity of the Young Academy.
We are actively seeking potential speakers for upcoming PMTTT sessions. If you are interested in presenting your work or wish to nominate someone, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us at
Interested in learning more about us? Check out the following video here.