InterPore2022 Bulletin (2)
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Abstract submission is open!
Despite the uncertainties due to potential precautions against COVID-19, InterPore2022 is being planned as a hybrid conference. Owing to the mutable nature of various regulations, however, it may be necessary to convene online only. Right now, however, you don’t need to make any travel arrangements just yet. The only thing you cannot afford to miss is the abstract submission deadline which is Monday 03 January 2022.
Submit your abstract today!
Minisymposia Spotlight
In the interdisciplinary spirit from which the InterPore society was born, the minisymposia provide a forum where investigators and technicians from disparate fields can come together and display their commonality of problems, investigatory techniques and solution strategies.
(MS08) Mixing, dispersion and reaction processes across scales in heterogeneous and fractured media
- Branko Bijeljic
- Marco Dentz
- Mozhdeh Sajjadi
- Amir Raoof
- Qingwang Yuan
An in-depth understanding of solute mixing and reactive transport is key in engineered and natural porous media with applications ranging from the design of porous reactors to diffusion in human tissue to geothermal heat production and groundwater management. Spatial heterogeneity in pore and Darcy scale medium and flow properties leads to scale effects in system parameters (e.g., hydraulic conductivity, dispersion coefficients, chemical rate constants) and emerging large-scale processes (e.g., anomalous diffusion, memory reactions, mechanical mixing) due to the interaction of small-scale processes, segregation and mass transfer across heterogeneity-induced interfaces. This session addresses a diverse group of researchers investigating Eulerian and Lagrangian flow properties, solute and particle transport, and mixing and reaction phenomena under spatial heterogeneity in fluids at rest and under single, multiphase and variable density flows on the pore and Darcy scales. Read more…
(MS09) Pore-scale modelling
- Bo Guo
- Yashar Mehmani
- Ke Xu
- Yongfei Yang
- Stéphane Zaleski
We solicit contributions on all aspects of pore-scale modeling with a particular emphasis on:
- novel algorithms and computational methods
- validation of models against experiments
- new physical insights and theoretical analyses
- upscaling pore-scale results into continuum-scale descriptions
Examples of specific areas include – but are not limited to – numerical methods (pore networks, lattice Boltzmann, direct numerical simulation, phase field, level set), discretization (finite volume, finite element, finite difference, particle-based), flow physics (Newtonian, non-Newtonian, single/multi-phase), passive/reactive transport (dissolution, precipitation, dispersion, mixing), mechanics (discrete element, failure, granular flow, plasticity), solvers and approximators (multiscale methods), hybrid computing (pore-to-Darcy coupling, addressing scale separation). Read more…
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline
3 January 2022
Accepted abstract Notification
28 January 2022
Early-bird registration deadline
31 March 2022
Deadline for registration of oral presenters
31 March 2022
Start of uploading digital content
21 May 2022
Short Courses
29 May 2022
Start of the live conference
30 May 2022
Closing of the conference
2 June 2022
Short Courses
3 June 2022
The InterPore2022 Bulletin provides regular updates on the InterPore2022 conference and is part of the InterPore Newsletter mailings.
InterPore News, www.interpore.org
Published in electronic form by International Society for Porous Media (InterPore)
Circulated free of charge to members and non-members of InterPore.
Articles and news items on the study and characterization of porous media,
especially when relevant to other types of porous media,
are welcomed for publication in this newsletter, issued twice a month.
Contact us via newsletter@interpore.org.
- Matthijs de Winter (Editor in Chief)
- Leslie Jakobs (Managing Editor)
- Lars Bilke (Production Officer)
- Felipe P.J. de Barros (Assistant Editor, Research Spotlights)
- Serveh Kamrava (Assistant Editor, Social Media)
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