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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

To view the full RESEARCH SPOTLIGHT, please vist: InterPore Research Spotlight: Los Alamos National Laboratory LANL


Although primarily known for its role in developing the first nuclear weapons, research at Los Alamos National Laboratory encompasses many scientific disciplines including the study of porous media. Very broadly, the twelve thousand employees of Los Alamos National Laboratory focus on nuclear deterrence, nuclear stockpile stewardship, protecting the nation against nuclear threats, understanding emerging threats and cybersecurity, and energy security solutions. The Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at LANL performs much of our research regarding porous materials and the flowing fluids passing through them. We combine our capabilities in field and laboratory measurements with analysis and modeling on high-performance computers to model and predict subsurface movement, reveal climate change drivers and ecosystem impacts, characterize geological greenhouse gas sequestration, improve geothermal and unconventional oil/gas extraction, predict wildland and urban fires, and provide advanced seismic imaging. Our division is broken up into three groups: Computational Earth Science, Earth Systems Observations, and Geophysics.

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